Morning, you always come too soon. Rolling over and pushing the snooze button always seemed like a better option than pulling ourselves out of bed and facing you. We’ve decided it’s time to change that. You need to get excited about the morning — you’ve got amazing things to do and even more incredible things to see, right?! And with these 20 cheeky mugs by your side, you’ll be motivated to get your morning started with a side of sauciness.
20 Quirky Mugs Worth Waking Up to

Morning, you always come too soon. Rolling over and pushing the snooze button always seemed like a better option than pulling ourselves out of bed and facing you. We’ve decided it’s time to change that. You need to get excited about the morning — you’ve got amazing things to do and even more incredible things to see, right?! And with these 20 cheeky mugs by your side, you’ll be motivated to get your morning started with a side of sauciness.
1. Open Mouth Face Mug ($35): Milk and cookies or coffee and a donut? You pick.
2. Floating Mug ($30): Is this magic? This looks like magic to us.
3. Morning Mug ($15): When your coffee mug wakes up with you, you can’t help but feel connected… and let out little audible awws.
4. Giraffe Cup ($78): These are as much art pieces as they are functional mugs.
5. Chalk Board Mug ($15): If you’re the totally adorable and sweet type, you’re going to want to leave your sweetheart a custom note every morning to get their day started on the right foot.
6. Kami Wood Mug ($78): Always trying to out-cool your pals? Be the first in the office to sport a wooden mug. It’s soon to be all the rage
7. Emerald Pantone ($27): How do we love Pantone? Let us count the ways… actually, there are 3,000+ ways. That would take forever. Just trust that they give you plenty of hues to keep you loving them no matter if you’re a fan of the color of the year or not.
8. Rubiks Cube Mug ($10): The best thing about this Rubiks Cube? It’s always solved.
9. Hidden Animal Mug: Oh, hello there.
10. Camera Lens Mug ($15): Don’t confuse this mug with a real camera lens… that could get expensive.
11. Triple Stacked Mug: When you can’t see straight in the morning, you best give yourself three chances to grab the mug.
12. Pack-a-Punch Mug ($13): These brass knuckles are ready to fight your morning sleepies or anyone that comes close to stealing your cup.
13. Two Carat Cup ($15): Your morning cuppa joe — you like it so you should put a ring on it.
14. CRTL-ALT-DEL Cups ($10): For all you computer geeks out there, reset your morning with your favorite computer keys.
15. Thermo To-Go Mug ($10): The next time your co-worker asks you, “‘Sup?” just raise your mug to the sky with pride.
16. Mr.P Dirty Mugs ($16): Remember when the dirty hair look was in? You could never tell if someone was trying to look like that or if they just had an all-night rager and didn’t have time to wash their mop top. Well, this mug is like that. The schmutz just looks like it’s supposed to be there.
17. Golfers Coffee Mug ($30): If all work and no play makes you as cray as Jack Torrence, for the sake of all your coworkers, please, please, please get this mug.
18. Mustache Mug Duo ($25): Always wished you could see what you would look like if you had a ginger mustache? Now you can!
19. Cheeky Teacup ($16): Hey. Who let the teacup into the party? Oh, wait a minute. Looks like it brought a surprise with it. Welcome to the roundup, you naughty floral teacup, you.
20. Lap Mug ($14): If you have the luxury of being able to cuddle up with your cup every morning, then buy this mug and use it as an excuse for why a desk job would never really work for you.
Which mug would fit into your morning routine? Let us know in the comments below.