Inspired by Kylie Jenner.
5 Colored Contact Lenses to Complete Your Halloween Costume

Forget everyday beauty. We’ve decided Kylie Jenner is our Halloween spirit animal. Whether she intends to or not, the youngest Jenner has been super experimental with her looks all year, and has been rocking a couple of styles that most people would only dare to wear one special spooky holiday a year. And the KUWTK’s resident style chameleon has certainly been delivering up Halloween inspo by the truckload recently. Just the other day, she debuted some Morticia Addams-like extensions, which you know would make a killer Halloween look.
Yesterday, King Kylie posted this photo of herself with pale blue gray eyes. Like woah. Is that even you, Kylie? Inspired by the youngest Jenner’s bold look, we’ve decided to round up a few of the coolest, spookiest and most incredible contact lenses you can cop right now for your perfect Halloween look.
1. Solotica Hidrocor Quartzo ($71): Kylie is supposedly sporting this Brazilian contacts brand + shade. Solotica is known for being extremely real-looking, but carries kind of a heavy price tag. Luckily, with proper care, you can wear these for a whole year and not just on Halloween.
2. Twilight Sparkle Anime Eyes ($22): These fun lenses are perfect for if you’re looking to channel your favorite cartoon character. Bonus: These are available with prescription too.
3. Solid Blackout Lenses ($30): These solid blackout lenses definitely give your eyes a spooky-yet-cool effect. Send chills down everyone’s spines with just one dark look.
4. White Cat Eye Lenses ($30): Cat costumes are a dime a doz during Halloween, but you can take your feline getup to the next level with a pair of cat eye contact lenses. Meow.
5. Solotica Soflex Hype in Red ($45): These lenses are perfect for anyone who plans on being a blood-sucking vampire or any other creepy, ghoulish character for the holiday. Red eyes definitely up the scare-factor.
Just a word of warning from the FDA though: “Wearing any kind of contact lenses, including decorative ones, can cause serious damage to your eyes if the lenses are obtained without a prescription or not used correctly.” Also, be sure to only purchase from authorized sources. Check out more info on contact lens safety at the FDA’s website.
Will you be trying colored contacts this Halloween? Tell us in the comments below!
(Photo via @kyliejenner)