Bringing home a new baby is one of the most special days a family will experience. That’s why we compiled this collection of 21 fantastically creative baby photo shoots to inspire your own mini me masterpiece.
21 Creative Baby Photo Ideas

Bringing home a new baby is one of the most special days a family will experience. So it makes sense that many new parents want to share it with their loved ones and keep a record for years to come. But we crave something a little more creative than the standard (albeit totally adorable) shoot. That’s why we compiled this collection of 20 fantastically creative baby photo shoots (+ one bonus) to inspire your own masterpiece.
1. Make Photoshop Your Best Friend: Singlhild Nystrom really lucked out when she was born to photographer father Emil Nystrom. Her dad flexes his major photography chops, as well as his imagination and Photoshop skills, to place her in a wide range of backdrops and crazy situations. If you have the same abilities, this is an incredible way to photograph your child, and will give you plenty of hilarious photos to flip through as they grow older. (via Observer Online)
2. Sketch Around: This mom takes photos of her son doing baby stuff on a white backdrop, whether he’s napping, squirming, or exploring. But what takes this photo series from generic to extraordinary is how she sketches new worlds around her child using Photoshop and good, old-fashioned pen and paper. He’ll walk the runway, explore the neighbor’s yard, and DJ to a crowd of adoring fans. At this rate, he’ll have accomplished way more than us at his age. (The Endearing Designer)
3. Be The Best Parent Around: We couldn’t leave our favorite “world’s best father” out of the mix! Photographer Dave Engledow is the creator of a series called Confessions of the World’s Best Father, and he’s an inspiration to anyone who wants to add some creativity and humor to their baby photos. He chronicles the early years of his daughter Alice Bee with some hysterical images (that Breaking Dad photo is priceless). Check out his flickr profile to see all the glory for yourself. (via Dave Engledow)
4. Break Out the Chalk: We love this creative chalkscape from Cute Moments Photography. And not just because we’re all about blackboard DIYs. It’s a cute and innovative way to add some personality to your baby’s photos. Sketch out your favorite backdrop, then get ready to pose. We envision a stunning photo display for a classy black and white addition to any nursery. (via Cute Moments Photography)
5. Set Them Flying: This is a literal take on letting your nestlings take flight. The photo series, entitled Flying Henry, uses natural scenery, Photoshop and props to create portraits that appeal to the child within all of us. They emphasize how anything is possible when you’re young. Ethereal, whimsical, and magical, they are sure to be a treasure for many more years to come. (via Rachel Hullin)
6. Make a Match: Zoe and Jasper, an adorable pairing of rescue dog and her (family’s) new baby, stole our hearts earlier this year. So it should come as no surprise that we had to find a spot for them in this roundup. Those tiny paired outfits are too cute to handle and it’s amazing to watch the two grow throughout the progression of the series. (via Zoey and Jasper)
7. Design a Dreamworld: Mom Queenie Liao might be the queen of creative naptime photos. Her photo series of son Wengenn, entitled Wengenn in Wonderland, is a gorgeous take on baby photos. As baby Wengenn naps, she constructs fairy-tale like landscapes of cloth, blankets, and pillows full of giant bunnies, romantic dinners with teddy and a carousel in the clouds. How Wengenn sleeps soundly through it all will forever remain a mystery. (via Bored Panda)
8. Doodle Away: This mom takes doodling beyond the paper and onto her baby (using Photoshop, of course). After photographing her child, she scribbles in fun accents and plenty of color to create masterpieces that evoke all the fun creativity of childhood, without any of the mess. We love this “Captain Baby” illustration, which we think does a great job of capturing who’s really the boss of the family. (via The Stir)
9. Pretty as a Fairytale: We’ve seen some pretty creative costumes in our research for this roundup, but we think this take on the classic sleeping princess is the winner of the bunch. Bringing a new baby home is kind of like introducing a royal presence into your life, and we love how this photo shoot reflects just how magical a child can be. (via Anna Marie Photography)
10. GIF Party!: Boring old photos just not creative enough for you? Try making a GIF, like Connie over at Connie B Photography. (via Connie B Photography)
11. Invite Any New Addition: A newborn photo shoot doesn’t just have to be for babies. When mom Kelli Higgins finally brought Latrell into her life as her adopted son, he was already ten-years-old. But she felt he shouldn’t miss out on the “right of passage” babies go through, and organized a similarly styled photo series starring her son. The effect is funny and incredibly sweet. We can’t get enough. (via Today)
12. Grow by Numbers: This cute series may seem repetitive at first, but it’s a fascinating look at how quickly babies grow. Taken in the same pose, with similar outfits against a plain white backdrop, these photos track one child’s growth from three months to eight. Watching his personality and expression begin to take shape reminds us just how fast life moves. (via Famille Summer Belle)
13. Pose Them With Their New Bedtime Buddies: This cute trio documents baby’s first stuffed animals. You know she’ll be holding onto those teddy bears for years after, and it will be lovely to have photos of when everyone was clean and new. Use the photos when your child is older to show her just how precious she was! (via Dream Box Photography)
14. Capture Sweet Naptime Dreams: Theo and Beau, another favorite, relies only on the incredible cuteness of a toddler and puppy to steal our hearts. There is something so simple and sweet about a boy and his dog, napping the day away. (via Bored Panda)
15. Bring in the (Watch)Dog: Babies and dogs are a match made in heaven and it gets even cuter when your pet thinks of your child as a member of the pack. A photo with your pooch standing guard will include everyone in welcoming your newborn to the family. (via Bored Panda)
16. A Study in Size: Clearly the big dog, tiny baby combo is hard to beat for winning photographs. The size contrast in this naptime photo is shocking, but we’re sure that big German Shepherd has nothing but love and lots of kisses for her new charge. (via Bored Panda)
17. Take Them Under The Sea: Who says your baby photos have to stay on earth? This unique underwater seascape, made from blankets, towels and a few small props, is just whimsical enough to make you forget about the real world above. (via The Endearing Designer)
18. Bring Them to Your Favorite Movie: Your children will grow up without many of the classics you had. So why not introduce them to your favorite movies while they’re still young? That’s what these parents did by turning their home into scenes from their favorite movies, and giving their baby a starring role. We hope the fame doesn’t go to his head. (via Bored Panda)
19. Show What True Love Looks Like: Adopting is a wonderful option for couples and families, and it still means plenty of love your new child, as this photo demonstrates. The series it’s taken from explores the unconditional love between a family and their newly adopted son/sibling. As photographer Kate Parker puts it best: “There are so many wonderful and interesting things I am documenting, the power of love…the welcoming of another life into our clan, and what it means to be a biracial family.” We couldn’t agree more. (via Bored Panda)
20. Family Math: Add it up! Such a cute way to announce that you’re expecting a new addition to the family AND to showcase the little one you already have. (via Mums Grapevine)
Bonus! 21. No Kid? No Problem!: Don’t have kids but want to get in on the trend? This couple and their photographer neighbor spent a rainy day doing the stereotypical newborn shoot with their dog instead for fun. The cheeky photos (and that flower headband!) earned them a spot on this list. (via Bored Panda)
Tell us: What does your perfect newborn photo shoot look like? Have you seen any other super creative portraits that have to be shared? If so, link in the comments below!