Roll on.
6 Derma Rollers That Bring on Smoother Skin STAT

Perfecting your complexion can be pricy. The latest answer to fine lines and loss of elasticity comes in the form of the slightly scary, albeit effective, micro-needling trend. Luckily, there’s a less costly version of the procedure that you can do at home — using a derma roller tool. Similar to a micro-needling treatment in a doctor’s office, these tools puncture microscopic holes in the skin (it feels a bit like pricking, and doesn’t cause any pain or major discomfort) that heal quickly. In the process, it reboots skin with collagen and elastin. “Using a derma roller two to three times a week will eventually give you fewer wrinkles, increased skin tone, and overall firmer-looking skin,” says Dr. Mark Gray, dermatologist and founder of Ao Skincare. We admit that even the thought of willingly pushing tiny needles into our face makes us a bit squeamish, but in the name of flawless skin, we’re in. Here are six derma rollers that will put you on the path to smoother skin.