And the naughty ones too ;)
Make These Gorgeous Beaded Cuffs for Everyone on Your Nice List

Some days you just come across the perfect jewelry blank that makes all your DIY jewelry dreams come true. Today is one of those days. We found these incredible brass cuff blanks with pre-drilled holes just waiting to be stitched and beaded and just had to tell the world. Keep on scrolling to see how easily you can transform a plain bracelet into a beautiful textured cuff!
– gold plated brass cuff
– assorted blue and turquoise beads
– jewelry wire
– scissors
1. Cut a piece of jewelry wire to about two feet using scissors and thread it through two holes at the top or bottom corner of your cuff.
2. Wrap the short end of your wire back around the longer piece, twisting it around itself a few times to secure it to the cuff.
3. String on enough seed beads to go across the whole top row, then thread the wire through to the back side and pull it tight.
4. From the back side of your cuff, thread the wire back through the hole directly above the first hole to start the second row of beads.
5. Repeat for all nine rows of beads, using a variety of colors and sizes and threading your wire from front to back to front after each row.
6. To finish off the last row, loop your wire around front to back a couple of times and twist the end around to secure. Trim with scissors.
Grab a cuff, some jewelry wire and a whole bunch of beads and let’s get started!
Start by threading your wire through the first hole of the cuff. Secure it by wrapping the short end of the wire around the longer end and twisting.
String on enough beads to reach the other end of the row you’re working on. Pull your wire through to the back side of the cuff and back out through the first hole of the next row. Repeat until you’ve finished each row.
To finish, thread your wire through the last hole several times and twist the end to secure it.
That’s all it takes! You’ve just added a totally unique piece to your jewelry collection.
We love the way the transparent and opaque beads look mixed together.
Who wouldn’t love to unwrap a special, handmade gift like this during the holidays?
Who would this make a perfect gift for? Tell us in the comment section below!