What came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, in this case it was the egg… and then we turned them into our four favorite birds. A toucan, an owl, a penguin and a peacock: an egg-ceptional bunch if you ask me! ;) What is super great about this Easter egg DIY is that the supplies we used for this transformation are SO basic: craft paint, card stock and Sharpies — no templates or fancy dye required!
Another Eggstremely Easy Way to Decorate Easter Eggs

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, in this case it was the egg… and then we turned them into our four favorite birds. A toucan, an owl, a penguin and a peacock: an egg-ceptional bunch if you ask me! ;) What is super great about this Easter egg DIY is that the supplies we used for this transformation are SO basic: craft paint, card stock and Sharpies — no templates or fancy dye required!
– four eggs
– craft paint (black, brown, and navy for the bodies, orange for the beaks)
– card stock or colored paper
– a handful of Sharpies
– paint brushes
– hot glue gun + glue
– scissors
– paint brushes
– pencil
– small jars to hold eggs
This penguin is extremely easy to make. Using a pencil, draw an oval shape on the front of the egg. Next, paint everything black except the oval: This will be the face of the penguin. Once the paint is dry, use a black Sharpie to draw two oval eyes and an orange Sharpie to draw a diamond mouth.
“Don’t eat me!” – penguin.
Mr. Toucan takes a tad more effort to make than the penguin, but it’s worth it! Using a pencil. draw a kidney bean shape on the front of the egg. Next paint everything black except the kidney bean shape: This will be the face. Using Sharpies, color in the top third of the kidney bean light blue and the bottom two-thirds yellow. Draw a large eye on the light blue portion.
Now time to make the beak! First draw a long beak shape with pencil on plain white card stock, then using orange, green, light blue and yellow Sharpies create a striped pattern. Cut out a funky hair piece and finally, glue on the fixins using a hot glue gun.
We love this tropical bird… and it’s even cuter in egg form!
Time to make the owl. Using a pencil, draw a diamond on the front of the egg, then paint everything brown except for the diamond, which will be its belly. Once the paint is dry, color in the diamond using a teal Sharpie. Add some feather detailing with wavy lines. Then, time to crack open that orange paint! Add an orange diamond for the beak and white and black paint for oval eyes.
Whooo’s the cutest egg on the block?
Alright, if you got through the toucan, the peacock will be a breeze! Paint the whole egg navy blue. Next, paint its face — be sure to give it long, luscious lashes and a small triangle nose.
To make the feathers, you will need to cut out four spoon-shaped pieces from dark green card stock and four small ovals from the light green paper. Using the brown, light blue and dark blue Sharpies, create the eyes of each feather. Glue the feathers together and attach to the back of the egg using the hot glue gun.
What beautiful lashes you have, Miss Peacock. Now time to assemble the crew!
Egg-scuse me. These are adorable ;)
This nest looks like a pretty appropriate chill zone. Huddle up, guys!