7 Menu Organizer DIYs to Plan Dinner All Week Long
Getting more organized is probably one of the most common New Year’s resolutions out there. However, you can’t be organized if you don’t have the tools to do it. Boxes will hide junk. Files will hide paper. But what about things like your nightly dinners? Planning a weekly menu will help you stay organized AND eat healthier meals. Let’s all make a resolution right now to DIY one of these seven menu organizers ASAP.
1. Framed Menu: This framed chalkboard menu will add just the right amount of pizzazz to your kitchen. We’re loving the bright vintage frame and cute (free) printables here. (via Life Sweet Life)
2. Neon Menu: If it’s a project with neon, we’re definitely more likely to do it. This planner keeps track of your favorite recipes and organizes your menu for the week. (via Play Party Pin)
3. Chalkboard Fridge: Because obviously your menu should go right where the food is. Makes perfect sense to us. (via The Kurtz Corner)
4. Clipboards: Here’s an easy way to DIY your weekly menu. Bonus points if you paint the clipboards gold. (via Balancing Home)
5. Door Menu Station: This little menu station has everything an organized heart could wish for in an out-of-the-way place. (via A Bowl Full of Lemons)
6. Chalkboard Multi-Organizer: This menu does everything but cook the food. Just use a wooden board to attach different size boxes and coat it all in chalkboard paint to DIY this life-changing multi-organizer. (via The Dainty Squid)
7. Washi Tape Menu: We’re all crazy about washi tapeand pretty magnets, so this DIY is the best of both worlds. (via Onelmon)
Have you DIYed your own weekly menu planner? We’d love to hear about it below!