Everything about this adorable, easy dog costume is a yes!
How to Dress Up Your Dog in a DIY Pineapple Costume

Summer may be over, but that doesn’t mean our love for pineapples has to end. There is no better way to bring this summery fruit into fall than creating a pineapple Halloweenpet costume for your #1 pooch. We are melting over the cuteness of Miss Brie dressed as a pineapple. She brought her A game to this shoot and did not disappoint. Thank Brie and Sean!
– yellow One-Wrap Velcro
– gold paint pen
– green felt (pick this up at Michaels)
– scissors
– hot glue
1. Draw cross-hatched lines on the yellow t-shirt.
2. Cut out leaves of various lengths from green felt.
3. Create a felt cylinder and glue it to a strip of One-Wrap Velcro.
4. Hot glue the leaves onto the cylinder to create a pineapple head piece.
Use a gold paint pen to draw cross-hatchhed lines across the yellow t-shirt.
The key to making a great pineapple head piece is using various shades of green for your leaves to create contrast. Michaels is the perfect place to go to collect every shade of green felt that you would ever want! Once you have all your felt, cut out leaves in various heights. Create a felt cylinder and glue it onto a piece of One-Wrap Velcro. Then glue the leaves onto the felt cylinder to create the pineapple head piece.
Want to create a matching pineapple costume for yourself? Check out our fruit salad tutorial here!
We call this look “Don’t even think about taking a bite of me.”
“Pineapples?! I don’t want pineapple. I want cheese-flavored dog treats!”
What do you think of this fruity dog costume? Send us photos if you are twinning with your pooch this Halloween. As always, leave comments and questions below!