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How to DIY 2 Magical Unicorn Tees in 5 Simple Steps

How to DIY 2 Magical Unicorn Tees in 5 Simple Steps

We really love cats and dogs (especially when they hold best-dressed dogs on Instagram status), but our dream pet is a unicorn. Some might say they are imaginary creatures, but according to science, unicorns actually exist(ed)! Since we’re probably not going to get one as a pet, we’re actively bringing more unicorns into our lives by surrounding ourselves with lovely rainbow palettes and anything inspired by these majestic animals. Today we’re adding to our wardrobe by making unicorn tees. Want to join the #squad? Read on for our easy peasy DIY!

Materials and Tools:

— unicorn template

— white tee and/or crop top

— iron-on transfer paper

— iron

— scissors

— a piece of cotton fabric


1. Download and print our template on a sheet of transfer paper.

2. Cut the image, leaving a 1/4-inch border.

3. Place the transfer paper, image side down, onto your tee and iron for at least one minute. Use the piece of cotton fabric to protect the transfer paper.

4. Let everything cool and slowly peel off the transfer paper.

5. Repeat with a crop top for your bestie.

Print our design onto the correct side of the transfer paper and set “photo quality” on your printer. Cut it out, leaving a 1/4-inch border, then place it onto the t-shirt. At this point you’re ready to transfer your image, so use the piece of cotton fabric to protect the transfer paper and iron the quote or illustration (image side down) for at least one minute. Check the producer’s instructions for the best results. Lastly, let everything completely cool, then gently remove the paper and enjoy your brand new tee!

Is there something better than a unicorn top? Two tops of course! So after making a cute unicorn tee for yourself, consider DIYing a crop top for your bestie. I’m sure she will appreciate it ;)

Now that you’ve DIYed the perfect outfit, it’s time to throw a unicorn party!

Are you joining the unicorn team? If so, be sure to share your funny tee with us on Instagram + use the hashtag #iamcreative!