Can This Device Make Texting While Driving Safe?
Texting while driving — it’s A HUGE no-no. But sometimes you just need to let someone know you’re on your way when you’re behind the wheel. That’s where a new device called Drive comes in. It aims to create a safer way to communicate while you’re in the car. Its technology requires no voice commands or buttons to press, and it only works while your hands are on the wheel (so no cheating!). You can receive and send messages with just a few easy swipes of the finger.
Drive can be installed easily into almost any vehicle by simply attaching it to the steering wheel base. Then, just hook it up to your smartphone via Bluetooth (Android or iPhone), set up its messaging service and the app will be able to read all of your messages and notifications to you while you’re on the road. Using the swipe commands, you can respond and send voice messages. Safety has to be a priority with technology like this, and the device actually motivates drivers to keep their hands on the wheel.
Drive’s Kickstarter campaign ends November 29, and the founders are hoping to raise $88,000 to continue development and launch the product. A donation of $129 will get you one device for your very own.
Would you use a device like Drive? Let us know why or why not in the comments.