Snacks gone vegan and Earth-friendly.
10 Plant-Based Snacks from Whole Foods to Keep You Full on Earth Day

Earth Day has definitely become a buzzword, but let’s not forget that there are *serious* implications behind it. Earth Day is meant to raise awareness about climate change and environmental degradation, which are really about as serious as it gets. One easy way to cut down on your personal carbon footprint, of course, is to eat less meat — and, more specifically, red meat. According to a recent report published by the National Resources Defense Council, the raising and selling of beef generates a carbon emissions factor of 26.45 kilogram equivalents of carbon dioxide, while chicken recipes are only going to cost you 5.05 kilogram equivalents and potatoes only 1.44. There’s no time like the present to try going vegetarian, if only for a day or two a week. Here are 10 of our favorite Meatless Monday finds from Whole Foods to inspire you.