7 New Year’s Resolutions Even Lazy Girls Can Stick To
So long, 2015. Bring on 2016 — and a batch of New Year’s resolutions that you can actually stick to. No matter the planning or pep talking, we all know that’s easier said than done, even when you set the smallest of goals. Something just inevitably gets in the way of waking up five minutes earlier, biking to work or hitting up that kickboxing class every Tuesday — you slam the snooze button, give in to the comfort of your car and pass up that sweat sesh for catch-up at the new hot cocktail bar. That’s why we’ve come up with the simplest new year’s resolutions ever, ones that would be difficult to break even for the lazy girls among us. Follow these eight near-effortless life hacks to totally streamline your day and, fingers crossed, your year.