Take an Animated Crash Course on the Elements of Design
No matter if it’s multi-colored washi wallpaper or a geometric paper backdrop, whether we know it or not, we’re all constantly experimenting with the elements of design in our DIY lives. Well, we’re all about to become way more aware of those concepts, because Matt Greenwood, a Toronto-based art director and motion designer, created a stunning animated short film to display 24 of the basic Elements of Design. Get ready for a really gorgeous crash course.
Greenwood’s animation not only does these individual design ingredients justice, but the flow from one to the next is so fluid and intuitive. We’re mesmerized.
This 50-second video history of design won’t make you a design guru, but it is nice to get back to the basics. Being able to break down the beauty of something complex into simple pieces is refreshing — and hopefully inspiring. Take a look!
Greenwood ends his video with the sentiment, “Design is not a science. Just move things around until it feels right.” Hear, hear.
What is your take? Share your comments below before you run off to design something beautiful!
(h/t Stash Magazine)