We are no longer tied to our native keyboards. Go forth and emoji.
The Best Emojis NOT on Our Keyboards

When Apple opened iOS 8 up for third party keyboards, emojis were one of the first features to hit our touch screens. It seems like every week for the past year, people created more and more ways to emoji — and we’re not complaining. Where there’s an emoji, there’s a time and a place to use that emoji. Beyond the basics, we’ve found some of the best emoji apps out there for expanding your emoji-cabulary.
1. For Personalization: Who doesn’t love seeing a cartoon version of themselves? After you design your highly customizable avatar on Bitmoji, your very own face is featured in dozens of fun emojis including one for when you “can’t even.” You can even use them in WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
2. For Making Plans: Trying to figure out what karaoke place you and your friends are going to hit up to perform your famed group number? Goji lets you click on an emoji that represents an activity (burgers, pool, mini golf, etc) and then gives you options of places nearby. When you pick one, just send a link to your friends.
DL It: Free on iOS
3. For Group Texts: With the right group of friends — or the wrong group depending on how you look at it — there are some emojis that just speak volumes, but they’re missing from your built-in keyboard. If you’re using GroupMe to group text, artist Julia Heffernan has a solution for you. Her 22-emoji lineup released last year includes a very necessary make-it-rain icon and, of course, the much sought-after taco emoji.
4. For Seinfeld Fans: ICYMI, you can now communicate in Seinfeld emoji, and we’re talking way beyond just Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer. What may look like a random set of graphics to some is actually Seinfeld speak for some of the most iconic episodes. The diner, pretzels, the Soup Nazi and the puffy shirt make an appearance… oh and Newman too, of course. (NEWMAN!) You’ll be making excuses to yada yada yada in emoji form before you know it.
DL It: Free on iOS
5. For the Hipsters: Hipster or not, Hipmoji has some hip graphics that everyone could use from time to time. We’re talking a boba, handlebar mustache and even a “Bae” emoji. If you’re like totally too cool for texting emojis anymore, you can even use the app to overlay emojis on photos.
DL It: Free on iOS
6. For Everyone: Our emoji libraries carry faces with many expressions, but not faces of many colors. A mother-daughter team have released their app iDiversicons as a way to truly rep your look. From your hair to your skin tone, the app has everyone’s look covered. Gotta love a great DIY solution to a diversity problem.
DL It: $1.99 on Android and iOS
7. For Artsy Types: Did you totally own at Draw Something? What about Pictionary? Then this app is for you. You can draw and send your own one-of-a-kind emoji. It’s still in the early stages, so you can expect some glitches, but we’re excited for the future of DrawType because we’re kinda Pictionary pros.
DL It: $.99 on iOS
8. For Equality: Without this app, it’s really difficult to tell your friends that you’re a gay unicorn who likes cake. Thank goodness designer Kimberly Linn created Lesbian Emojis filled with a bunch of funny emoji for the gay and lesbian community. In fact, there are plenty in there for everyone, including a Tindr app, PBR and brunch. How has no one demanded a brunch emoji yet?
DL It: Free on iOS
9. For GoT Fans: Do you think that Daenerys would be as impressed by our emoji technology as we are by her dragons? Yeah, probably not. Regardless, Elite Daily added her and the Game of Thrones cast to emoji history. It’s not an actual keyboard yet, but you can copy and paste images of Joffrey Baratheon into conversations when someone you know is acting like spoiled royalty.
DL Images: Free from Elite Daily
10. For Your Selfie: A selfie is worth a thousand words. That’s how it goes right? When your friend texts you that the new House of Cards trailer is on YouTube, sometimes there is no emoji that can express your excitement. The best thing to do is send a picture of yourself. With Imoji, you can turn pics of yourself, or anything really, into stickers to send in your texts.<
DL It: Free on iOS
11. For the Trendy: When it comes to comes to sending fashionable emoji, the dancing woman in the red dress is the closest we can get to an outfit that we’d wear and even that’s a stretch. LOLy takes all of the hottest fashion trends and classics and puts them in an app for iOS so you can emoji away with Chanel jackets, Louboutin pumps and even fashionable Pho.
DL It: Free on iOS
How do you emoji? Let us know in the comments!