As the old saying goes, an emoji is worth a thousand words. These fun and expressive icons have inspired greeting cards, art, and even shoes! And now, prepare to meet the brand-new emoji social network: emojli.
We Have No WORDS for This New Emoji App ;)

As the old saying goes, an emoji is worth a thousand words. These fun and expressive icons have inspired greeting cards, art, and even shoes! And now, prepare to meet the brand-new emoji social network: emojli.
Promising “no words. no spam. just emoji.” this forthcoming app will let you message your friends using only your emoji keyboard. The simplicity of the app kind of reminds us of the new app Yo (which lets you just send a “yo” message to any of your contacts), but way, way more useful.
If you’re anything like us, you’re having text convos like this already, so why not get a dedicated app for it? Simple and silly messages are way more fun when you have to spell them out using emojis — and see if your friends can decipher them. Besides, it’ll definitely up the difficulty on emoji karaoke ;)
Dying to sign up? While the app hasn’t launched yet, you should probably snag your username now. The one catch? Your username can only contain emojis! Go ahead and register before your genius emoji name is taken.
We’re not tooootally sold on this app yet, but we’re definitely gonna give it a try when it launches. What about you? Talk to us in the comments below.