Get ready to get organized *and* get pumped.
5 Must-DL Apps This Week: Evernote + Under Armour’s New Apps + More!

The new year may be in full swing, we may have just spent the last week traipsing around CES testing out smart mirrors and Instagramming surprisingly delicious 3D printed candy but we still have A) more goodies to get your butt organized and B) more innovations to share with you. Right now they’re all in app form and just begging to be downloaded — go on, give these downloads a home on your smartphone:
1. MicCheck: Taking a tip from Digg, the latest release from Mic takes all the of the site’s breaking news, most important stories and interesting reads from around the web and curates them for you into a single feed you can take anywhere. With all the news that’s fit to scroll through, you could get lost in this one on your next commute or DMV line. It’s really tough to say this one without automatically launching into a rap, but try your best.
DL It: Free on iOS
2. Evernote Scannable: Confession: I *just* got into the whole Evernote thing (ee, I know, where the eff have I been?! Answer: in a much less organized place!) so am eating up any releases, products and upgrades this company unleashes into the world. This week, they launched new app Evernote Scannable, which lets you scan and digitize paper in a flash. It works like Heirloom for documents and will let you save anything from notes to business cards straight to your phone.
DL It: Free on iOS
3. Committo3: This app is a resolution’s best friend. Each day, you make three “commits” and cross off the ones that you do, tracking your progress on your goals over time. They can be work-related, have to do with organizing your home, more personal on a family and friend level or all about you. The buddy system is encouraged here, so join forces and create teams with co-workers, friends and fam to keep each other accountable and inspired.
DL It: Free on iOS
4. Lumific: This Android app is like a personal assistant who will sort through your photos and make them the best they can be for you. It organizes your pics into events, automatically edits and enhances them and lets you search through them using keywords, dates, subjects and more. Our fave feature is that it automatically stacks duplicate photos and shows you which one is the one worth keeping or Instagramming.
DL It: Free on Android (sign up on the site to find out when it’s dropping for iOS)
5. Under Armour Record: With a fancy booth blasting our favorite workout tunes, UA was a big presence in the wearables section of CES. Sans actual wearables, this sporty co was there to show off their virtual social network devoted to fitness — something we can get down with just as much as a smartwatch. Use UA Record to log and track your workouts (anything from runs to yoga to twerk hip hop dance class zumba), challenge your friends to get fit and tap into a whole community of BFFs, trainers, athletes and aspiring gym bunnies like yourself.
DL It: Free on Android and iOS
What was your favorite app download this week? Share with us below!