Like you really needed another reason to sweat.
Exercise Can Reduce Your Risk of These 13 Types of Cancer

Whether you love working out in the morning or are trying to stick to a routine that can help you lose weight (cheat days for the win!), we all know that exercising — no matter the reason — is good for your health. Now, thanks to a major new study from JAMA Internal Medicine, we’re finding out exactly how much exercise can reduce your risk of different types of cancer.
A total of 1.44 million people across the US and Europe participated in this study. Researchers specifically compared the hazard ratios for high activity levels, or those in the 90th percentile, and low levels of activity, or those in the 10th percentile. Think gym rats vs. beginner babes.
In total, they found that people in the study who exercised most were at a lower risk of 13 different types of cancers.
The results
- Esophageal cancer: 42 percent lower risk
- Liver cancer: 27 percent lower risk
- Lung cancer: 26 percent lower risk
- Kidney cancer: 23 percent lower risk
- Stomach cancer: 22 percent lower risk
- Endometrial cancer: 21 percent lower risk
- Myeloid leukemia: 20 percent lower risk
- Myeloma: 17 percent lower risk
- Colon cancer: 16 percent lower risk
- Head and neck cancer: 15 percent lower risk
- Rectal cancer: 13 percent lower risk
- Bladder cancer: 13 percent lower risk
- Breast cancer: 10 percent lower risk
The study suggests that medical professionals working with inactive adults should note to patients that these results were evident regardless of body size or smoking history. Good news for all involved!
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(Photos via Getty)