Fill your feed with all the parenting info, advice, and laughs you need.
9 Relatable Mom Blogs Worth Reading

These days, you’re all about Instagramming and tweeting. Of course, you still use Facebook for posting first-day-of-school pics of your little ones and seeking out advice from other mamas in your local, school, and closed community FB groups, but it might not be your go-to choice for social media anymore now that there are so many other options. And remember when you used to pore over all of those parenting blogs you loved? Though the info, commiseration, and humor was worth it, sifting through years’ worth of blog posts isn’t exactly an activity you have time for these days. Here’s where yet another use for FB comes in. Before you scroll through any other feed looking for parenting tips, check out these Facebook accounts that give readers the best of what parenting bloggers have to offer, all in one place.