Here's Your Horoscope For The Full Moon In Aries — Expect Powerful Shifts In Your Life
Lumi Pelinku is an Intuitive Astrologer, Beauty Expert, and Holistic Life Coach based in New York City. Renowned for her transformative approach, Lumi integrates astrology, spiritual practices, and self-love coaching to empower individuals to achieve profound inner healing and alignment.
Lumi’s expertise extends far beyond one-on-one sessions. She serves as a resident astrologer for Brit+Co and contributes celebrity astrology insights and predictions to leading publications like PopSugar and Bustle. Her work has also been featured in DailyOM, Seventeen, Mind Body Green, Paper Magazine, Well+Good, Brides, Observer, and more. With her unique blend of intuition, astrology, and empowerment coaching, Lumi helps clients and readers alike embrace their highest potential and shine authentically in every aspect of life.
The sweet, crisp fall air officially arrived, and we're in the technicolor of Libra season. This is a period where we can focus all our attention on love, beauty, and fairness. With this shift in focus, you'll find the value seeing and experiencing life with an open heart and embracing the possibilities the Universe grants — this is the cosmic rhythm of Libra season.
Beauty aside, there's an auspicious full moon that will uncover themes in our lives, requiring us to analyze our relationships and our overall direction. This full moon in Aries grants the ability for you to look at your situation as a conquest to initiate the necessary changes in your life.
The full moon in Aries will peak on September 29 at 5:57 a.m. EST. Full moons portend the need to reflect on the past and realize what piece in your life is binding or holding you back from feeling liberation. The sign of Aries has to do with initiating change and creating a movement for matters that are left unresolved. It is time to step into your power and realize what needs to transform your life. Remember that the desired changes start from within.
During this lunation, Mars (the ruler planet of this Aries full moon) is in square to Pluto, granting us revelation and clarity. Although it may feel like an emotional tug-of-war wanting to leave things as they are, our awareness will shift with Pluto as it will be the catalyst of change in this full moon event. You can think of square aspects in astrology as a spiritual endurance training session. It may feel uncomfortable initially, but embracing new possibilities will make you stronger than ever. The secret in this cosmic sauce is to begin analyzing all sides of your situation rather than jumping to conclusions. Mars may trigger impulsivity and rash decisions that can lead to an unwanted outcome.
On the plus side, Mars will also be in a sextile with Venus, the love planet. This planetary interaction will ignite themes of exploring love and learning how to invite a new spin on how you are living your love story. This may require you to begin paying attention to your partner and listen more intently rather than saying only your piece. A little Astro 101 fact: sextile aspects provide the support and ingredients to work toward an optimal flow, which requires due diligence. The upside about Mars and Venus working together is that it allows you to either rebuild your relationship through a conscious mindset or forge a new path to attract the love that will meet your standards.
The full moon in Aries will impact the cardinal signs Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer. You'll feel the alchemical pull in this full moon if planetary placements are 6 degrees within the cardinal signs. Remember that the closer the degree, the more you will feel its impact. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising for more information.
The full moon in your first house will place you in the cosmic spotlight as all eyes are on your next move. Take charge of your story by expressing your true feelings, and hold off from sugarcoating. Name your terms, state your boundaries, and observe. This is your moment to realize whether you are receiving the support system from those near and dear.
Hold space for yourself and retreat as this will nourish your soul. The twelfth house of the subconscious realms and dreams is activated during this lunation event. This full moon will pinpoint an area that needs review and capitalize on your feelings to help you find clarity. Take time to replenish your energy by booking a personal day or a getaway.
The eleventh house of friendships and goals will be the highlight during this full moon. As this full moon heightens your sensitivity and standing with your connections, set aside your emotions and observe. This lunation will also help you gain the motivation to see your project to completion and witness its success.
Expect movement on the career front as the full moon will occur in your tenth house of career and public status. Your energy is powered up with momentum and garnered solely by your passion. Everyone will notice you, even your superiors. If you are in a situation that is positioning you to question your career, it is time to review what truly makes you happy.
This is your moment to contemplate your place in the world and extend your contribution. The ninth house of higher thought and education is activated during this full moon. You are ready to listen carefully to the Universe’s message, which might be received through signs and synchronicities. This can also be a momentous time to launch a project or share your message.
It is time to dial down, focus on your personal life, and face your fears. The eighth house of sex, death, and taxes will be the primary theme in this full moon event. Enlighten yourself by observing your surroundings, and see if you are experiencing unresolved issues surrounding your self-worth. Educating yourself and holding compassion in your journey will help you feel grounded.
With the seventh house powered up, prepare for an illuminating epiphany involving your relationships. The full moon will extend the chance for you to analyze the state of your love and find the healing balm in what has been lacking. Becoming open-minded and listening intently to others will help you find clarity in generating yourself in relationships. An open heart attracts infinite love.
It is time to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. The sixth house of daily rituals is activated, and your primary focus will be to pay attention to your surrounding environment and learn how you utilize your time. Organizing your working and home space will be a great place to begin as you will reestablish a better daily routine and an optimal flow in your life–KonMari style.
Happiness awaits as this full moon will light up your fifth house of love, romance, and children. Spending time with those who make you feel childlike and free will invoke a new flow of hope and inspiration for future projects. This is a wonderful opportunity to rekindle the fires of your relationship and discuss long-term plans.
Prioritizing family and internal affairs will help you feel secure during this full moon event. Focusing on your fourth house of home, you may feel inspired to redecorate or organize your home. You may also feel emotionally charged and more empathic than usual. Self-care and creating a safety net in expressing your feelings will be crucial for you to be grounded.
This full moon in your third house will stimulate the need for communication and progress. Have patience in your process, and rest assured that your passion project or idea will take root eventually. This is a time to collect information. This full moon can create restlessness as an overload of ideas will spiral into your mental space. It would be best to organize your thoughts by writing them down to observe later.
It is time to develop a better relationship with money, which begins by analyzing your finances' current state. Develop a budget plan and research how you would like to store your savings. Knowing this information will help you feel secure in your standing with money and self-worth. You will attract an overflow of abundance as you upgrade your knowledge and have a positive mindset towards money.
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Lead image via Maurício Mascaro/ Pexels
Lumi Pelinku is an Intuitive Astrologer, Beauty Expert, and Holistic Life Coach based in New York City. Renowned for her transformative approach, Lumi integrates astrology, spiritual practices, and self-love coaching to empower individuals to achieve profound inner healing and alignment.
Lumi’s expertise extends far beyond one-on-one sessions. She serves as a resident astrologer for Brit+Co and contributes celebrity astrology insights and predictions to leading publications like PopSugar and Bustle. Her work has also been featured in DailyOM, Seventeen, Mind Body Green, Paper Magazine, Well+Good, Brides, Observer, and more. With her unique blend of intuition, astrology, and empowerment coaching, Lumi helps clients and readers alike embrace their highest potential and shine authentically in every aspect of life.