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Why Gap Might Become Your New Lululemon

Why Gap Might Become Your New Lululemon

When it comes to workout clothes, it’s hard to beat Lululemon. The perfect leggings, their nifty gym bags, those oh-so-breathable tank tops… The brand’s comfy and stylish aesthetic is apparently even something Kate Middleton can get behind. But damn, is it expensive. Should a pair of workout pants really be more than your gym membership? Debatable. If you’re looking for an activewear alternative that’s kinder to your bank account, it seems like you may want to give Gap a chance.

After releasing some pretty dismal sales numbers during an earnings call, Gap revealed they’re going to go hard in the activewear department – a trend they think is going to be as influential as the early ’00s skinny jean takeover. According to Buzzfeed, the company’s CEO Art Peck said, “I’m really encouraged frankly across the whole company as I look at it right now. We are present and accounted for in the mainstream of what is probably the most important ready-to-wear trend that we’ve seen since skinny denim maybe came on the scene.”

gap activewear

In addition to bulking up on the athleisure pieces available for adults, they’ve also announced plans to launch Athleta Girl, a line for six to 14-year-olds looking for fun pieces they can move in. Some of these designs will basically be mini versions of the womenswear, but some will be tailored toward specific sports, like basketball, soccer and swimming.

Considering Gap’s pieces tend to cost about 20 percent less than what we’d find at Lululemon, this could mean very good things for that budding athleisure wardrobe of yours.

Which activewear brand are you obsessed with? Share a link with us on Twitter @BritandCo.

(Photo via Astrid Stawiarz/Getty)