Lauren Graham Confirms Gilmore Girls Reunion

STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW. After tons of speculation and reunion clues galore, we can confirm that there is absolutely going to be some sort of Gilmore Girlsreunion happening. And, as with the Full House reboot , we have Netflix to thank.
I CAN NOW CONFIRM: it's time for me, and this jacket I stole in 2007, to return to work.@netflix #GilmoreGirls pic.twitter.com/tBb07J9oO1
— Lauren Graham (@thelaurengraham) January 29, 2016
Actress Lauren Graham, AKA Lorelai Gilmore, has taken to Twitter to confirm that she’s returning to work on a Gilmore Girls project. The announcement comes just days after Keiko Agena, who played Rory’s overprotected bff Lane Kim, posted an Instagram pic of herself with Gilmore Girls producer Helen Pai and the very hopeful caption “Good things are coming.”
They sure are, and we can’t wait!!!
Tell us what your fave Gilmore Girls episode is @britandco!
(Photo via Warner Bros.)