Everyone needs a little sparkle in their step. And while we love a snazzy heel, it’s just not practical for the everyday. Thus… the glitter oxford. Casual enough for the everyday (and good for walking!), this glitter oxford also adds a bit of sparkle to an otherwise ordinary shoe. Ready to add a sparkly spring to your step?
DIY Glitter Oxfords: Glam Up Your Kicks

With the holidays coming up, the world gets a lot more festive. While we love celebrating on special occasions with a snazzy heel, we still like to have a little bit of shine without needing a party for an excuse. Thus… the glitter oxford. Casual enough for the everyday (and good for walking), this glitter oxford also adds a bit of spunk to an otherwise ordinary shoe. Ready to add a sparkly spring to your step?
-Mod Podge
-glitter (best results are using fine glitter)
-small paintbrush
-dixie cups
Gather all your supplies on a newspaper, or a surface that can afford to get a little glittery. We used a giant piece of construction paper.
Start off by filling the cup a quarter of the way with mod podge. Then, add the equal amount of glitter- creating a 1:1 ratio. Mix well with the paintbrush.
Now, here’s the fun part. Paint however you want! Let your inner child come out. We used the shoe as a template and followed the lines.
Paint in segments so the mod podge doesn’t dry too quickly. This way, you can add a final layer of glitter on top of the glitter glue to really cement in the sparkles. Let dry.
Voila! It’s almost hard to believe how easy this is.