This Smart Key Could Be the Future of Passwords
We’re all familiar with two-step verification, yes? The authentication process where you use your regular login and password to access your email or computer, as well as a special unique code sent to your smartphone? Well, the latest tech from Google works on the principle of two-step verification, except the second part is all physical. We’re talking about a physical Security Key, and it could mean big changes on the horizon for tech protection.
The Security Key is a small USB key that folks will have to plug into their computer before logging on with their password and username. And with passwords and accounts being hacked more often than we’d like to admit, not only Google, but big players like Apple also think that password keys are the way of the future. That is, if they can get users to commit to carrying them around.
If you’re the type of person who is always losing your keys and gadgets, this probably doesn’t sound like great news. Don’t worry your pretty little head. If (ahem, when) you lose the precious USB, you can still log in using the traditional two-step verification. The tiny devices only cost about $10, so you’ll be able to buy and program a new one when you need it.
We don’t know about you guys, but when Apple and Google say THIS IS happening, we’re curious to see how users will respond. Will this be something we’ll all be willing to carry around on the regular? If so, the design better be aces. We’re thinking good-looking key chain.
But what do you think? Would you use this smart key? Tell us in the comments below!
(h/t Motherboard)