Next stop: a committed relationship.
9 Green Flags To Look For In Your Next Relationship

Whether you love being singleor hit the apps shortly after a relationship ends, you don't want to rush into your next partnership. No matter how many questions you ask on a first date, some things can only be revealed as you get to know someone new, and that's kind of exciting. While we all know about red flags — those deal breakers that tell you when to fold 'em — green flags tell you you're on the right track. Below, we've rounded up nine green flags in a relationship that say the person you're dating is worthy of your time and affection.
They Make Time for You
This may seem like it goes without saying, but we can find all sorts of reasons to justify less-than-ideal behavior when we like someone. While a slow start can be a great start, you should never feel like you're vying for someone's attention. If you ask them to do something and they're busy, they counter with an alternate night or invite you along to their existing plans.
They Introduce You to Their Friends
Meeting families can wait until you two are in a committed relationship, but friends typically come earlier. Once you're hanging out regularly, they'll likely want you to meet their friends and vice versa. There may be exceptions to this rule, but it is a sign they want you to be part of their life and have nothing to hide.
They Treat Everyone Well
Treating you well is one thing — they want to impress you. But note how they treat waitstaff, Uber or Lyft drivers, and everyone else in the service industry (really, anyone you meet). A kind, respectful person will consistently treat just about everyone they meet with kindness and respect.
They Do What They Say They’re Going to Do
You're never wondering. You're never making excuses. You're never walking around with a death grip on your phone waiting for their call or text. This is because a person who's ready for a relationship does not disappear. They check in. They let you know if they'll be late. And if they ever do go MIA, they have a reason that doesn't leave you uneasy.
Your Boundaries Are Respected
If you say no or mention that you don't like something, they listen, they empathize, and they respect it. They may have questions and they may not agree with you, but they don't keep doing something after you've asked them to stop. And they definitely don't tell you you're wrong to feel the way you do.
They Talk About Their Feelings
When a person talks about their feelings, it tells you a few things. First and foremost, what their feelings are. But also that they trust you, feel safe with you, and want you to understand who they are. While how feelings are expressed may be a matter of personality and temperament — different people will prefer different methods — someone who's ready for a relationship will be willing to meet you in the middle.
You’re Not Afraid to Tell Them Things
While there are some topics of conversation that bring the calmest among us jitters — relationship history, family issues, etc. — you're most likely working up to the big stuff when dating. But before that, smaller issues will arise, whether it's that you're running late, needing to cancel plans, or just disagreeing on a topic of conversation. These can be low on the list of talks you want to have but not to the point that you avoid having them. You’re both able to be honest with each other — no matter what.
They Ask What You Want in a Relationship
Asking what your ideal relationship looks like not only shows they care, but also, that they're willing to be an active participant in a relationship. They understand that relationships can't be set on autopilot. They are living, breathing, and growing collaborations the two of you co-create.
You Feel Good When You’re With Them
In a way, it really is this simple: You enjoy your time together. While mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, or trauma can complicate things, you know yourself best, and you know what feels good. Healthy relationships aren't about being right or perfect or doing things the correct way; they're about being better and feeling better together. If you're both in sync in that department, that's what matters most.
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Featured Photo: Pexels/Andres Ayrton