After this, emoji count will determine the coolness of music videos.
Emoji Are Starring in Music Videos Now

We already want to live in Gwen Stefani’s world, but after her latest emoji-painted vid, we’re positive we’d be BFFs. In her new song “Spark the Fire,” after descending from an emoji cloud and into an emoji-filled world, Stefani gets her dance on in a club with emojis and talk bubbles popping up through the whole thing. Pharrell even makes a guest appearance!
Gwen has been rocking our socks off since bringing No Doubt into our lives back in 1986. Today, she still keeps things perfectly retro yet perfectly modern, and the result is a super catchy, poppy-sounding and -looking song. We’re not sure if emojis inspired the lyrics of her new soon-to-be hit, but we wouldn’t be surprised.
It’s actually a perfect song to go into the new year. Gwen says it herself: “It is time for the girl species to grow. 2015 we take off our shells. I am a Libra. Let’s balance the scales.” That settles it. We’ll definitely be rocking out to this jam through all of 2015.
P.S. There’s some high-tech product placement at the two-minute mark, with people scanning pizza using Sprout. Gwen, seriously, can you get any cooler?
Tell us your favorite part of the video in the comments!