We love a little Facebook ranking and today’s puts a smile on our faces — or at least shows you who is via their social statuses. You probably already have an idea of which of your FBFs is the queen of the humble brag status, the king of the inspirational “Share”-d message and we all know “that guy” who won’t stop inundating your feed with gloom-and-doom. With this site, all you have to do is press a button and it will rank ‘em for ya.
Who Are Your Happiest Facebook Friends? Find Out Here!

We love a little Facebook ranking and today’s puts a smile on our faces — or at least shows you who is via their social statuses. You probably already have an idea of which of your FBFs is the queen of the humble brag status, the king of the inspirational “Share”-d message and “that guy” who won’t stop inundating your feed with gloom-and-doom. With TIME’s latest social widget, all you have to do is press a button and it will rank ‘em for ya.
How, you ask? It’s science! It determines your top friends (warning, it might think your ex is still your BFF, in which case, edit him out of your results and #ThankGodForPhotoshop) and analyzes their status updating by measuring the positivity and negativity of the words in their posts.
It might not get sarcasm or the context of all of your inside jokes, but this science is serious. Studies show that being on Facebook can actually make you happier when others’ good moods spread among friend groups. So just like IRL, why not surround your feed with peops who bring the vibes up and mute the updates from the Negative Nancies.
It is Motivational Monday after all, and this little widget might move you to be more positive with your postings. I’m not a big status updater, but I was surprised to see that out of my last five posts, even one was negative. Eek! Spread love — it might not be the Facebook way, but we could make it so.
Are you friends with us on FB yet? Get to it and LIKE us as much as we like you (a lot) here!
Are you happier than your Facebook friends? Share how you rank below!
(h/t: TIME)