The Insta-stars that make healthy food look SO yummy.
9 Chefs to Follow on Instagram for Healthy Food Inspo

Our Instagram feeds are packed with images of decadent cakes, ultra-impressive royal icing cookies and recipes that make our pants feel tighter just by looking at them. But you know the old saying “everything in moderation?” It relates to the #foodporn in your feed too. Balance your daily does of eye candy by following chefs that make healthy food look just as delicious as the indulgent stuff (it might even help you stick to your healthy eating resolutions!). From award-winning authors to mommy bloggers turned pro meal planners, here are nine healthy chefs you need to start following right now.
3. @secretsquirrelfood: Dubai food blogger Karen McLean knows how to have fun with food. Her feed is colorful and playful (think: pancakes decorated to look like owls — so cute! — and chocolate-dipped everything). Go here when you need convincing a chia seed parfait is *really* what you need right now, or just to admire the impressively sliced avocado toast.
6. @thugkitchen: With the tagline “Eat like you give a F#$%” it’s hard not to love this feed filled with no-nonsense advice for eating healthy (aka, equal parts delish food snaps and snarky Tweets). With two cookbooks and a website filled with veggie-filled recipes, the Instagram feed is just one way to challenge yourself to do the whole from-scratch thang.
7. @meghantelpner: Certified nutritionist, founder of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition and two-time bestselling author, Meghan does it all (she even has a degree in fashion and has backpacked across Africa!). Her lust-worthy feed is filled with travel snaps, all-natural beauty products, cold remedies and everything in between. Oh yeah, and delicious, gluten-free food.