The holidays are officially here, and we’re making all sorts of lists… and checking them twice! Lists of gifts we want, lists of people we want to invite to our holiday parties and, of course, lists of gifts we need to buy for our friends and family. The thing is, all that holiday shopping can add up. So we’ve teamed up with Coinstar to share five unexpected ways to fund your holiday shopping. And yes, pirate-inspired treasure hunting is most definitely involved.
<b>Tap into Your Coin Jar or Piggy Bank</b>
<b>Exchange Old Gift Cards for Cash</b>
<b>Sell Your Clothes and Accessories</b>
4. Make Sure to Cash Out Your Venmo Account: We are avid Venmo users around here, but we often forget to cash out. Fire up your Venmo app and give yourself a cash money bonus, yo!
5. Go Treasure Hunting… in Your Purses, Pockets, Pouches and Couches: And finally, it’s time to go treasure hunting. Purses, pockets, pouches and couches are good places to start. From there, we recommend taking a tour of junk drawers, glove compartments, backpacks and nightstands. You might even find a $20 bill.
Or in Paige’s case, a $1 bill ;) And if you find any coins or gift cards, you know just where to take ‘em — Coinstar FTW.