It’s here, it’s here! Enjoy reading Homemakers today!
Our First Book, Homemakers, Is Finally HERE!

Hi, I'm Brit, the founder and CEO of Brit + Co. I'm a young mom of two, tech nerd and design-inclined lady who has a zillion hobbies and curious about... just about everything! My mission from the beginning has been to unlock women's creativity and courage to try new things so that they can find the path to their true passions.
It’s here! I am thrilled that months of writing + editing have finally paid off and today, our first book is officially available in stores (and Kindles!) everywhere. If you were one of our amazing pre-orderers, you just might even be holding it in your hands right now!
It’s hard to believe that this journey began over a year ago, and it would not have been possible without the help of so many people. I want to say thank you to the insanely talented team here at Brit + Co, the wonderful publishing team at HarperCollins and my friends and family who supported me through this whole process. This past year has been one of the most exciting years of my life: I became a mom for the first time (yes, I was pregnant when we were shooting nearly all of the photos for the book!), we reached the 3-year mark as a company, and now Homemakers is out in the wild!
If you’ve watched the video we put together, you know that I wanted to write this book because I truly believe it is time to redefine what the term “homemaker” means in today’s world. Sure, we’re “leaning in,” but that doesn’t mean we have to lean out at home.
We have access to technology at unprecedented levels, and yet at the same time, many of us have forgotten some of the basic skills we were taught in Home Ec. Homemakers incorporates all of these ideas into one place. It is one part resource guide — complete with charts, tips + tricks, recipes and dozens of DIY projects — and one part exploration into how new advances in technology are impacting our creative lives at home. There are literally over a THOUSAND tips, tricks and creative ideas.
I believe everyone is creative. This book has so many projects and stories that I can’t wait for you to see, but I also hope it will inspire you to come up with your own ideas on what modern homemaking means to you. For some of you, maybe that means taking a few more creative risks. Perhaps you’ll use bolder colors, free-form instead of using a stencil, or dare I challenge you to make your cake from scratch instead of using cake mix!? Whatever you decide, don’t be afraid to fail. Creativity is much more about the journey than the end results. Sometimes, you just gotta scrape the frosting off and start over — and that’s part of the fun.
For those of you getting your copies today, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU! I am so glad you are a part of the Brit + Co family and can’t wait to hear what you think of the book! (Care to leave a nice review on Amazon? Because that would be amazeballs of you.)
If you haven’t grabbed a copy yet, it’s available online and in bookstores all over the country. We’re even giving away free stuff if you buy multiple copies. Of course, you’re also invited to our book launch parties in New York and San Francisco. I’ll be signing copies of Homemakers and hope to see you there!
Be sure to share your Homemakers creations with us via social using the hashtags #britstagram and #homemakers. P.S. We just might return the social love ;)
Thank you again for supporting me and my team during this crazy creative journey.