Happy roomie, happy life!
5 Easiest Household Tasks You Can Do to Be the Best Roomie Ever
Having a roommate for the first time is really just a constant series of trials and errors. And we’re all doing our best to avoid the latter. But having a roommate can’t always be rainbows and redecorating. If you and your roommate are clashing, we’ve got you covered, but one easy way to stop a feud before it’s started is by taking care of your space. Here are some easy-enough chores to stay on top of before your roommate even has to ask.
1. Do the dishes (fully!). “Doing” the dishes in their entirety is more than merely rinsing them off. It’s even more than merely rinsing and loading them. Whether your roomie’s around or not, when the dishwasher is full, make sure to run it. And unload it if it’s clean. These are easy tasks to leave for the next person — especially if you have more than one roommate — so it may take a concerted effort to get out of this habit. For bonus points, hand-wash as many dishes as you have time to. The lower utility bill at the end of the month will make up for the extra suds.