Proudly share your accomplishments.
4 Ways to Embrace the #Humblebrag to Shine at Work

Learning how to present yourself confidently at work is like having a magic power. Not only can it help you get a raise or promotion, but it can totally help you collaborate with a work bully or bad boss. Though sharing your successes seems like an obvious thing to do, recent LinkedIn global research shows that 53 percent of professionals are afraid to do it for fear of appearing cocky. Since it’s time to proudly power past that, we talked with Harper Spero, an NYC-based business and career coach. Harper tells us how to use the #humblebrag to tout your awesome work during four common situations that come up at the office.
To Your Manager or Boss
Proudly sharing your accomplishments is something you should work to embrace, not shy away from. When it comes to presenting them to your boss or manager, Harper says, “It’s important to first acknowledge that you did this to support your team and the company. Then, you can totally own the fact that you made it happen and take the credit but, again, that it was in order to achieve the goals set by the team or company.”
If you still feel uneasy, collect examples or data to show how your work directly impacted the overall goal. You can always highlight teammates or co-collaborators to further demonstrate your ability to work well with the team while crushing it with that North Star goal in mind.
In a Team Meeting
Your colleagues may feel like the toughest audience to share your success with. Since they’re your peers, it can feel like you’re trying to show off. Harper suggests, “Instead of thinking about sharing as bragging, focus on the fact that you’re in awe of your accomplishment as well.” She says to consider using phrases like, “It was a reach, and part of me can’t believe I did it,” or, “I’m blown away that the work actually exceeded the stretch goal,” to show that you reached for the stars.
LinkedIn’s recent research shows 52 percent of professionals think it’s easier to talk about their colleague’s successes publicly rather than their own, but being able to effectively communicate the positive outcomes of your own work is truly vital to your career success. By acting genuine and grateful, you can emphasize your hard work and show that you’re proud of your accomplishments. Harper says, “You’ll likely find that with this approach, others want to celebrate your success too.” Who’s down for happy hour?
A Chance Meeting With Your Dream Employer
Feel professionally tongue-tied? You’re definitely not alone. LinkedIn says that 46 percent of survey respondents said they wouldn’t feel confident describing their achievements if they ran into a hiring manager for their dream company at an event or on the street. To avoid falling into this group, Harper tells us that it’s important to know what sets you apart. “How do you stand out? What makes you unique? Why should they be interested in hiring you?” she asks.
Harper told us about a recent client who landed an opportunity to meet with the founder of her dream company. She notes, “We prepped her the day before on what to say, how to clearly and crisply identify that she loves the company’s mission and exactly what she can bring to the company that nobody else can.” Be sure that you can do the same, so you’re ready if a similar opportunity presents itself.
On Social Media
Social media moments might feel casual or fleeting, but 65 percent of professionals agree the impression you make online is just as important as the one you make in person, according to LinkedIn. Just as incredible, nearly 76 percent believe it’s tough to overcome a bad first impression. Eek!
To present yourself in the best light possible, be sure to give credit if and when credit is due. If you’re talking about something you did completely on your own or sharing a link to a place where you’ve been quoted or published, try adding joyful emotions to show gratitude. You might try something like, “So excited to have shared my thoughts on Project Green,” or, “Overjoyed to be featured on the Pink Cat today.” If your personality and tone are a match, you might even consider throwing a #humblebrag into the mix. Just remember: Always be yourself.
What are the best or worst #humblebrags you’ve seen online or IRL? Tweet your stories to us @BritandCo!
(Photos via Getty)