Get ready to fill your feed with food! Indulge in 30 of our favorite Instagram food artists.
30 Instagram Food Artists You Need to Follow

Art has many mediums, the tastiest being food of course. Thanks to Instagram we can now salivate over more than just beautifully propped shots of food. Inspire yourself (and crave a few) of these culinary masterpieces. Warning, don’t do it on an empty stomach.
1. @thuglifeforevs: A pizza banner?! This photographer is having THE best pizza party ever. Side note: Check out her #Arrangements series for organized food goodness.
2. @darynakossar: The variety of sweets (our weakness) used in these creations puts us into a sugar coma. The visual artist makes something tasty everyday, but we can’t stop fawning over this chocolate syrup-roasted marshmallow sheep (it’s kind of making us BAHHH-shful).
3. @talkingfood: Always wanted your food to have a personality? Now it does with this sasstastic account. We need all of these so-funny-it-hurts quotes blown up to poster-size and framed in our kitchen STAT.
4. @tishacherry: We think this food artist can #BreakTheInternet (really Kim K.?) with her Kanye omelet while also making other creations to turn the mundane into magical palate presentations.
5. @foodtypography: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, WE LOVE PUNS! But seriously, the typography featured in this portfolio is to pie for ;)
6. @mattcrump: This Swedish Fish maze is one we wouldn’t mind getting lost in. We know how we’ll be propping candy for our next class thanks to ideas from the photographer’s #CandyGrid series.
7. @caseyligon: Yes, this just won the cinnamon challenge (is that still a thing?). More pleasant phrases, made from syrup to sprinkles, can be spotted on this lettermaker’s profile.
8. @julieskitchen: Veggie collages, is there really anything else needed in this life (okay, there’s probably a few more things we’d need…). Regardless, find all the collages here #JuliesKitchenFoodCollage.
9. @danikation: Once you pop, the fun don’t stop and this account keeps the food art coming at an endless pace.
10. @imlauramiller: We thought we’d seen it all when Lady Gaga wore her meat dress, but Laura Miller is keeping the edible fashion game alive.
11. @redhongyi: To be honest, a sprinkle home is a bigger dream of ours than that white picket fence everyone always talks about. When can we close the deal?
12. @t_rez: Cinderella’s Castle never looked better in this maker’s ingredient-filled shots. P.S. Come for the food art, stay for the paper crafts (trust us, you’ll be scrolling through this one for a while).
13. @manonwethly: Is the sky falling or is it the food and drinks? All we know is we wish it wasn’t the wine tumbling in the air, anything but the wine!
14. @lopurnell: If a tree falls on a plate is this what it always looks like? We sure hope so because the plated beauties found on this account are stomach-filling.
15. @darrylljones: There is a Storm Trooper named Eric and he goes on culinary adventures. You can thank us later for this intergalactic-kitchen discovery.
16. @rafaelmantesso: Cowabunga, dude! This visual artist’s food-stencil combos make us want to take home a doggy bag. Luckily, you can, Jimmy the Bull is an active presence on the account as well.
17. @livscreams: So you know how everyone is obsessed with latte art? We think it’s time coffee bean art has it’s time to brew it’s way to popularity (look at that gown).
18. @mokassarart: We’re nuts about this manicure and the various types of nuts featured on this portfolio.
19. @charlottelovely: Don’t feel too bad for this sad banana, it’s surrounded by plenty of bright spots in this Instagram gallery.
20. @batchpleasecookies: If you find yourself daydreaming about eating cookie portraits with some sass (guilty), you can now make it a reality.
21. @houselarsbuilt: So many food rainbows, so little time. Check out #CraftTheRainbow for even more ROYGBIV brilliance.
22. @spielkkind: Watermelon monsters, who knew there was such a thing. There’s even more mixed medium masterpieces where this one came from if you’re curious. We just hope there isn’t an apple zombie lurking in a fruit bowl…
23. @brockdavis: Didn’t realize Twinkies had circuits running through them? Us either, regardless we’ll probably still indulge from time to time.
24. @howaboutcookie: “Stop playing with your food!”, says Mom as she creates masterpieces from it. Catch her snatching (and maybe snacking) more of her kid’s food to craft with on her page.
25. @febriunggy: A plated lady is a classy (and tasty?) lady. At least that’s what we’re guessing this artist’s statement is.
26. @leesamantha: Our own Anj has some competition in the Cruella De Vil department with this sushi-centric piece. We just hope neither got their hands on the puppies.
27. @theartofplating: This plating presentation is like the culinary version of a Picasso. Don’t fret though, you’re totally allowed to touch (uh, or eat) these works of art.
28. @idafrosk: Coffee may gives us a boost in the morning, but so would a new creation every day. Where can we get this culinary-maker Mom?
29. @mister_krisp: Taylor Swift is definitely out of the woods because she is literally everywhere, from an app to Rice Krispies. No worries girl, we are not complaining one bit.
30. @kevin_blankenship: We absolutely love R2D2, so naturally we would throw some syrup on this pancake (and all the shortstack creations) and chow down.
Wow, that was quite a culinary experience. We warned you not to indulge in the list on an empty-stomach. Kind of feels like we just spent several hours at an all-you-can-eat buffet, no?
Admit it, how many food artists did you just follow? Let us know in the comments below.