iPhone 6, you’re going to have to learn how to share, because word on the smart streets of Silicon Valley is that Apple will be using their September 9 event to debut something totally new.
What to Expect at September’s iPhone 6 Reveal

News on the Apple iWatch front has been almost nonexistent (or, maybe just a little boring…) while iPhone 6 rumors monopolize the spotlight, even sneaking in an EXCLUSIVE on the homepage of TMZ. But, iPhone 6, you’re going to have to learn how to share, because word on the smart streets of Silicon Valley is that Apple will be using their September 9 event to debut the iWatch.
Not to make you feel less than the special mythical creature our dreams that you are, iPhone 6, but we already know A LOT about you. You’re like… well, you’re like a unicorn. We already have fluorescent, bedazzled recreations of you doodled on our back to school supplies. It’s Apple’s smartwatch (the Loch Ness Monster of this tech creature metaphor that we’re going to stick with to the end of this post) that we’re like, “huh?” about. We’ve seen a lot of grainy pics, and some amazing Photoshop artistry (like the concepts in this post from Ciccares Design) but nothing concrete. Re/Code reports that Apple will be unveiling its wearable along with both models of the upcoming iPhone 6 at the September 9 par-tay at Craig Federighi’s house.
We’re hoping this means the buzz about a delay in iPhone 6 production was false. Or maybe this confirms that — Apple could be setting up a good news/bad news situation with the iWatch reveal cushioning the blow of no new iPhone til winter. Either way, we’re already popping popcorn by the gallon for 9/9/14.
What do you think about Apple’s upcoming wearable? If you could have one in your pocket right now, which would you pick: iPhone 6 or an Apple smartwatch? Sound off below!
(h/t Re/Code, iWatch concepts via Ciccares Design)