Celebrity yoga instructor Mandy Ingber has cracked the code for tightening, toning and transforming your body inside and out, and it only takes 28 namaste-filled days.
DL This Yoga App to Get a Bod Like Jennifer Aniston

We don’t just envy Jennifer Aniston for her hair. As we’ve seen from her frequent red carpet appearances (both on and off the arm of fiancé Justin Theroux) and from her recent roles on-screen, Jen’s also got a killer bod. But unlike her long, layered bob which *we* can DIY on a whim, we’re pretty clueless when it comes to hacking our workouts into a Jen-approved fitness routine. But celebrity yoga instructor Mandy Ingber has cracked the code for tightening, toning and transforming your body inside and out, and it only takes 28 namaste-filled days.
The four-week virtual yoga retreat is called Yogalosophy ($6.99), an app that combines Ingber’s acclaimed body-sculpting workouts with lean-eating guidelines and motivating real talk that sounds like it’s coming from your gym gfs. And Ingred gets real fast, starting with what for many women may be the most challenging part of the plan: accepting your body as “already perfect.” Hacking your mind, according to Ingber, is the key to triggering a full-fledged body makeover. Audible gulps allowed.
With hangups checked at the door, you’re ready to get your body moving with pre-planned routines, cardio options and daily poses that can all be done at your own pace throughout each day. But your workout isn’t over when your quads start shaking from chair pose. Y28 balances the physical (“yoga”) with the mental (“losophy”) by having you tune into daily intentions, complete breathing exercises and journal, including compiling a gratitude list to help spike your positivity. Sure, that last bit might sound like a plot point picked from Wanderlust, but think just how nice it’ll be to carve out time to only reflect on life’s plusses after a stressful day at work or after the car you and Paul Rudd were driving breaks down on the grounds of a hippie commune (wait). And even on those days when you just can’t even, you can always turn to Ingber for a friendly pick-me-up “There is nothing set in stone. Your body is a beautiful work in progress.” Yeah, we’re already pumped for the Day 2 word love.
So are you ready to DL and whip your mind + body into shape? What other celebrity trainers motivate you to get up and moving? Tell us in the comments below.