Tell ’em, girl!
Jennifer Lopez’s Clever Response to Claims She Photoshopped Her Abs Was Pure Internet Gold

When you’ve got good things going on for you, chances are, you’ve also got haters trying to find ways to dull your shine. Maybe they pick apart your style, like Lena Dunham recently experienced, or resort to comments about your hair, which Zendaya had to deal with. For Jennifer Lopez, who got a major taste of Haterade yesterday, it was her body that was put on trial when fans accused her of faking the abs she was showing off in an Instagram post.
With such a cut physique on display, people were quick to claim the singer’s figure had been Photoshopped. Comments included things such as, “@jlo that’s some horrible Photoshop” and “Photoshoped?? What happened to the piece of skin on your left rib??? Lol.”
The “missing skin” in question is actually just a smudge on her mirror, which Lopez addressed in her response (and later on her Instagram story), saying “Omg…Just a smudge on the mirror…lol…not photoshop.”
Her real zings came in the form of her accompanying hashtags, however, reading, “#lordblessthehaters #gymrat #youshouldtryit #wishtherewasphotoshopforhaters.”
The singer quickly garnered her fair share of defenders with 15k+ comments on the pic and counting, which include sentiments such as, “She doesn’t need any photoshop. It’s just a smudge on the mirror. Nothing serious. Go back and worry about your own pictures” and “Yall should know d*mn well by now that Jennifer Lopez out of all people doesn’t need to photoshop lmaoo. Issa smudge!”
JLo: 1, doubters: 0.
What do you think of the way Jennifer Lopez handled the critics? Tell us @BritandCo!
(h/t InStyle; photos via Sergi Alexander/Getty + Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty)