Now THAT’s a shnazzy baby name!
Kelly Clarkson Had Her Baby Boy and Here’s His Sweetly Sophisticated Name

Kelly Clarkson has had her baby boy! Eee! And you’re absolutely going to love the mighty moniker the little man has been given. Joining big sister River Rose (still one of our other favorite baby names!) is Remington Alexander Blackstock. River Rose and Remington. Kelly Clarkson might have just won the award for best baby-namer in Hollywood!
Making the exciting announcement via Twitter, Kelly tweeted, “Our little baby boy has arrived!! Remington Alexander Blackstock was born 4/12/16 & he is healthy & we couldn’t be happier or more in love!”
Remington… Alexander… Blackstock! O… M… G! That might, in fact, be the most sweetly sophisticated celeb baby name EVER, and we love it.
Is anyone else flashing back to Kelly’s holiday card featuring her dashing family in old-school fancy-shmancy duds in front of a castle?! We can totally see little Remington fitting right in.
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Congratulations Kelly and family on your newest arrival! And welcome to the world, little Remington!
Do you love sophisticated baby names like little Remington’s? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(h/t ET, photo via Robin Marchant/Getty)