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This Week’s Stories

Could you get down with this kink in your am/pm routine?

Why Kristen Bell Is Challenging You to Not Wash Your Face

Why Kristen Bell Is Challenging You to Not Wash Your Face

Fridays are supposed to be fun and all, but Kristen Bell just hit us with a crazy truth bomb: you can waste almost 5 gallons of water each day just by washing your face. Considering that it’s Earth Month — and that our home state of California is in the midst of a historic drought — it’s an especially hard-to-swallow fact. So what’s a girl to do? Kristen wants you to #WipeforWater.

This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve reached for a makeup remover wipe over turning on the faucet. They’re often our sole source of clean relief on road trips or camping excursions, not to mention a go-to after long nights out even when we *do* have access to a running resource. And since the wipes Kristen is slinging in the campaign kick-off vid are are made with 100% renewable fibers, we feel a littttle bit better about creating a larger trash heap for that week off of water. So, even though in the long run experts recommend more gentle methods of facial cleansing for your everyday routine (or immediately rinsing with water post-wipe), we’re down with a week-long run of busting grime sans water. Who knows? You might end up really feelin’ it and rise to Shailene Woodley-levels of water reduction. Rinsing your mouth with oil or stopping the shower while you wash your bod just might be in your very, very green future.

What ways are you going green for earth month? Tell us about all your earth-friendly plans (+ DIYs!) in the comments below.

h/t Byrdie; Photo via Frazer Harrison/Getty