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Lauren Conrad’s Festival Collection Is Anything But “Costumey”

Festival season is here — and along with the music, of course, comes the fashion. Picking out stylish looks for a whole weekend can be daunting, which is why you’re going to want to pay attention to Lauren Conrad’sLC Lauren Conrad Festival Collection, launching today. We sat down with the woman herself to get her thoughts on the collection, how it works beyond the concert scene, and how to get that boho look all year long.
Brit + Co: Coachella-inspired fashion is big business now. How does your collection differ from the standard festival fare?
Lauren Conrad: My collection, I think, has more whimsy; it’s more subtle and soft. The colors, while still warm and summery, are more muted. It was also important to us to design silhouettes for a variety of different body types because a lot of festival-inspired fashion doesn’t work for everyone. One thing I love about this season’s collection campaign is that, since I’m expecting, we chose a fan and Yes2You Kohl’s rewards member, Kayla Watters, to model. We flew her out and had so much fun — photo shoots are really long days and she really did a great job. (Photo via Kohl’s)
B+C: What do you think makes festival style so appealing?
LC: It’s become more and more relevant each season. Since people get so much of their inspiration from celebrities and street style, and those celebrities this time of year are making fashion statements at festivals, it’s no wonder that people want to emulate some of that look. Plus it’s just such a nice way to welcome the warmer weather! (Photo via Kohl’s)
B+C: What are your tips for rocking the festival look when your style is a little more sophisticated?
LC: The biggest thing is, quite literally, being comfortable. You need comfortable shoes, clothes that fit properly, and pieces that last the days — because those are long days! (Photo via Kohl’s)
B+C: True! And when those weekends are over (once they’ve recovered!), how can women incorporate that boho vibe into their everyday wardrobes?
LC: Funny you mention it, because while my collection is festival “inspired,” a big goal was to avoid going costumey. Honestly, more than anything, we were just sort of looking at trends and picking a wearable color palette to create a collection that’s meant to be worn throughout the summer. These pieces can go to lunch, a barbecue; they’re definitely not just for concerts.
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(Photo via Kohl’s)