Wear Lisa Frank’s glittery rainbow universe IRL
Lisa Frank-Inspired Make-Up Is What Our Glitter Rainbow Dreams Are Made Of

We think we just died and went to Lisa Frank Heaven. No, really. While some of you had comic books, we had whimsical school supplies — and now they’ve come to life. If you thought that Lisa Frank-inspired fashion was a welcome blast from the past, take a look at these 31 beauty looks that are pure magic. Even if you’d forgotten about your favorite glittery, sparkly, technicolored animals who lived in a rainbow-filled universe of all-things-whimsical — trust that this eye-popping collection is guaranteed to refresh your memory. Take a look, pick your favorite, be inspired, and who knows? You might’ve just found your next birthday party theme, or discovered the secrets of your untold future. (Hint: lots of glitter!)
1. Lisa Frank Tie-Dye: These bold brights and acid hues can only come together in a Lisa Frank universe. This look is so Lisa Frank, down to the last jewel encrusted nail.
2. Galactic Lisa Frank: There is something so unbelievably gorgeous about this sparkling, cosmic, glittering pink-and-purple princess look. Bonus points for commitment to the Lisa Frank-approved hair color.
3. Unicorn Eye: Every detail in this look is a next-level ode to Lisa. From the mini unicorn to the expertly applied rainbow shadow, this look is perfection.
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4. Stardust: With a splash of star-glitter freckles across her nose, metallic lip and multi-colored eyes, this look is ready to make your unicorn costume Halloween dreams come true. This makeup look is everything a Lisa Frank fan should aspire to!
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5. Blue Unicorn: Looking at Lisa Frank-inspired beauty is like taking a master class in contouring with color. Channel your inner mystical creature via a glittery unicorn horn and rainbow hair for days.
6. Paint-Splattered Eye: This is a look that is truly art. Part Jackson Pollack, part Lisa Frank, this splatter eye is surprisingly wearable. We think this detailed style would make Lisa Frank proud.
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7. Lisa Frank Woodland Creature: Here is the product of two whimsical worlds merging. When Lisa Frank came across a Faerie Warrior, a technicolored makeover was in order.
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8. Candyland Lip: Though it isn’t the most wearable style on this list, this epic lip is an artful display of everything that the Lisa Frank universe stands for. Bring on the confetti.
9. Pastel Leopard: Ah, yes. The old Pastel Leopard look never fails to conjure up more than a few Lisa Frank-infused memories from our youth.
View this post on InstagramA little BTS of @amal06x from today's POP! Shoot with the talented @harlowrocks 💕🌈🐾 #lisafrank
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10. Emerald Cheetah: Each Lisa-inspired look shows off a unique element of this otherworldly style. This hair and makeup combo showcase Lisa’s love of cheetah and rich jewel tones — so why not combine the two?!
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11. Glitter Bomb: A glitter bomb went off, but in the best possible way. In our opinion, the more glitter, the better.
12. Butterfly-Eyed: We’re pretty sure we had this exact design of hers on our notebook in 4th grade. But wait, couldn’t be… Or could it?
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13. Quartz-Inspired: Leave it to Lisa to bring jewel and quartz inspo to our “everyday” beauty look. Typical, Lisa.
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14. Muse of Music: We’re pretty sure this means all those rainbow unicorns and cheetahs were listening to music while they frolicked in rainbows and cloud beds. Could Lisa Frank’s world get any more colorful?
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15. Floral-Inspired: In the tropics of Lisa Frank’s universe, you will find exotic flowers that are the spitting image of this look. You’d have to see them to believe them, but you can rest assured that this look does them justice.
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16. Lisa Frank Trapper-Keeper: This look was full-on inspired by an old Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper binder! The make-up artist admits it herself. Do you see the resemblance? We do!
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17. Floral Eye Shimmer: Makeup artistry is a craft like none other. Remember the days when painting took place on a canvas?
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18. Watercolor: Holy bone structure! Lisa Frank might be a quality muse, but no amount of contouring (even when it’s rainbow) can fake a face shape that perfect.
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19. Bubble-Inspired: Bubbles were just one theme that often accompanied Lisa Frank’s designs. Lisa was in on the unicorn and mermaid trend before we even knew what was up.
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20. Color Pop: Lisa Frank was a pro at combining and displaying the most vibrant colors in her products. We saw our fair share of pinks, purples, and oranges, (and, of course, the random teal-sparkle) on our Lisa Frank school supplies back in the day.
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21. Rainbow Eyelid: The stark contrast between the range of color within the shape and her skin is stunning. This is like a next-level rainbow cat-eye.
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22. Glitter Lip: Move over, Kylie Cosmetics. This glitter-heavy lip glaze is about to outshine those Lip Kits!
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23. Lisa Frank Alien: While this look is about 70 percent Lisa Frank, it’s also about 30% out of this world. But we’re convinced it would make for the absolute best Lisa Frank-themed Alien this Halloween!
24. Neon Lisa Frank: Everything about this neon-hued makeup look screams Lisa Frank to us. That royal blue eyeliner is the perfect complement to her metallic lip color, and we can’t look away.
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25. Eye of the Tiger: Wow! This is a more realistic (i.e. not rainbow) take on the animal print that is so-loved by Lisa Frank, and we’re absolutely smitten with this look.
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26. Jewel Tones: In this instance, jewel tone is an understatement. After all, where there was once an eyebrow, there is now glitter galore.
27. Jewel-Encrusted: We simply can’t look away from this photo. This takes the glitter trend a step further for an impossibly whimsical look.
28. Lisa Frank Leopard: This has got to be the most complete Lisa Frank-inspired style we’ve ever seen. The makeup doesn’t just end at her face — she’s fully transformed into a Lisa Frank masterpiece!
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29. Lisa Frank Clown Makeup: This is what happens when you marry the world of Lisa Frank with big top style. We predict many more transformations in the future!
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30. Colorful Lisa Frank Leopard: This look makes us feel like we’re about to jump over the threshold into Lisa Frank World. Part of her face has already crossed over!
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31. Living Butterfly Art: This look is definitely one of our favorites. The model understandably said she felt like the living embodiment of Lisa Frank’s art!
Has Lisa Frank inspired you? Show us on Pinterest!