Every Desk Needs This Universal Keyboard to Tame Your Devices
No matter where you work or how much you love your office job, sometimes it can be hard to achieve the best work environment to be productive. Your laptop is slow, but the keyboard is comfortable and easy to use. Your computer is easier on your wrists but you feel chained to your desk while that comfy leather chair beckons you over. And forget about switching over to your tablet. The last thing you need is to send an email with weird typos because your screen went AWOL.
Soon those problems of yours might be long gone, and that means no more coffee spills on your iPad or sticky fingers on your phone screen. Logitech has just released a Multi-Purpose Bluetooth Keyboard ($50) that works not only for your computer, but your tablet and smart phone as well.
Before you start rolling your eyes because you’ve been jaded by similar promises in the past, hear us out. The keyboard, unlike attempts before it, uses Bluetooth technology to seamlessly switch between your devices with the click of a dial.
We also love the groove at the top of the keyboard, specifically designed for holding your phone and tablet in front of you while you’re using your computer. Sure, it may get a little distracting, but for those of us who constantly need to stay plugged in for work (or socializing) it’s a cool, seamless way to go from typing an email to typing a text, or writing out a memo for next week’s staff meeting. (How sweet will it be when iOS 8 + Yosemite are running on your devices?!)
Choose between black and yellow or a sleek white to match your Macbook. Not an Apple-holic? Not a prob, the keyboard works for Android and Windows devices, too. And yes, if you haven’t guessed already, we definitely think it’s about time we all got these in our home offices.
What do you think of this universal keyboard? Would you use it with your devices, or are you fine with the system you’ve got? Let us know below!