Love actually is...all around us. 😘
Read Your Love Horoscope For This Valentine's Day

Lumi Pelinku is an Intuitive Astrologer, Beauty Expert, and Holistic Life Coach based in New York City. Renowned for her transformative approach, Lumi integrates astrology, spiritual practices, and self-love coaching to empower individuals to achieve profound inner healing and alignment.
Lumi’s expertise extends far beyond one-on-one sessions. She serves as a resident astrologer for Brit+Co and contributes celebrity astrology insights and predictions to leading publications like PopSugar and Bustle. Her work has also been featured in DailyOM, Seventeen, Mind Body Green, Paper Magazine, Well+Good, Brides, Observer, and more. With her unique blend of intuition, astrology, and empowerment coaching, Lumi helps clients and readers alike embrace their highest potential and shine authentically in every aspect of life.
Do you feel it? Love is in the air, right smack down in the middle of winter — Valentine’s Day.
One may question why the love holiday occurs during Aquarius season. If you think about the themes that scream red and pink hearts, winged cherubs, chocolate, champagne, and sweet nothings written on's all an interpretation of love. Love can be interpreted in many ways, and that is Aquarius’ jam — the more alchemical and complex, the better. Aquarius represents the collective human connection, unbiased views, ascension, and undeniable universal love.
Single or not, you cannot help but feel the loving glow this time of year. Valentine’s Day begins under a glorious Aquarius Sun and bold and fiery Aries Moon. This morning glow can result in receiving sexy text exchanges, a quickie between the sheets, or someone could slip into your DMs with spontaneous sentiments. Later in the day, the heat will wind down into the sweet and sultry Moon in Taurus.
The Sun radiates our outward expression while the Moon illuminates what is happening emotionally beneath the surface — which can manifest in our intimate life. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that represents sensuality, materialism, and stability, which means that you're in for indulgence (excess much?) these next several days and a love review.
See below to know what's going on in the sky and what to expect for your love horoscope this Valentine’s Day.
Can Astrology help you understand your love life?
If you're reading this right now, hoping that this Valentine’s Day and its astrology will miraculously attract Mr. or Ms. right to your doorstep — I want you to take a step back and analyze your perception of love. Astrology helps you pinpoint the importance of remaining connected to yourself while helping you understand your love connection (single or taken).
Remembering to stay aligned with your Higher Self by navigating life and relationships through intuition and the heart will attract the desired results. Astrology supports taking chances, but interweaving your intuition is key to success.
I know how driving or walking by storefront windows embellished with red and pink roses and stuffed teddy bears feels. The longing to be surprised with an engagement ring or to receive a handwritten Hallmark card or text.
It does sting when you are single or married. This holiday is meant to highlight your love and its direction, but if you are lingering in a relationship that feels like you are driving toward the highway to hell… astrologically, this day will be your wake-up call. The dream can be soul-crushing if you don’t get what you want — or realize you are ready to close that chapter. The signs are there, it is only up to you to take that first step into freeing yourself.
There are incredible moments in your dating and married life when you get these things — like that huge bouquet of roses sent to your office addressed to you, or that 4-carat solitaire engagement ring with a flash mob planned (dream on, baby). That does tick off a big score, but it does not guarantee the longevity or health of your relationship.
Love takes work, and this holiday’s nature under Aquarius season teaches the importance of seeing love in everything, not as a status symbol or surface-layered sentiments. Aquarius represents freedom in love expression along with building on mutual respect and friendship.
To best stay balanced this Valentine’s Day, focus on the meaning of love instead of shouting from the rooftops about your relationship status or masking your issues based on the holiday expectation.
What's Happening In The Skies This Valentine’s Day
The Dance of Mars, Pluto, and Venus
On the love radar, we can explore the dance of Mars and Venus in the skies this Valentine’s Day to have a better understanding about what's in store for the masculine and feminine.
Mars rules those who are have more masculine energy. The war planet represents sex, drive, aggression, and movement. While the feminine expression is projected through the lens of Venus. The love planet is responsible for flirtation, beauty, values, self-worth, and money.
Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn, the CEO of the zodiac, and many of us will get down to the business in the name of love. Mars in Aquarius, the reformer of the zodiac, will help men analyze the future of their relationship (or its status) and contemplate its integrity. This year, it's less talk and more action for women, while Mars will guide men in thinking about the big picture regarding their hearts.
As Mars meets with Pluto, the planet of transformation and death, something new will emerge in our perception of our power. Pluto desires to transmute and help you see through deception. It exposes what needs to come to the surface — now is the moment for you to realize what needs to be done in your life story. Is it love? Is it your passion? An aspect needs to evolve, and this requires letting go.
Venus Meets Neptune: It's Like A Walking Dream — Watch Out for Love Bombing & Gauge Your Intuition
Venus and Neptune will meet each other in a supportive formation on Valentine’s Day. Neptune presents the dream that can be built in the imaginary realms while Venus extends a love-infused flavor. When Venus and Neptune meet, they present infinite possibilities where dreams can come alive and form into a magical alchemy.
Let your imagination run wild and write some poetry, or begin writing a best seller. Your higher subconscious realms will be fertile with creativity — take advantage of this day!
While this is an auspicious day to experience the wonders of love, it can also take a turn toward excessive love bombing if you're not grounded enough. Be mindful and analyze the state of your body as you're tuning into your relationship and its progression. The lighter and calm you are, the better. This means that you're on the right track.
Note that this Valentine’s Day will be dreamy, and if you're on good terms in your relationship, it will feel like you're flying in the clouds with your love — but still remember to still check in at work. You don't want your head to be too in the clouds.
Mercury and Uranus — An Alchemical Romance
Mercury, the communication planet, will form an intense position with Uranus, the freedom and rebellious planet. This can lead to communication mishaps or impulsivity like elopements or divorces. Be mindful of any thoughts or reactions that lead to decisions that may be out of character.
Societal pressures can lead to this extreme polarity of engagements or breakups. Respectably, it is best to hold off and scope on what you are intentionally building in your partnership. If you're single, treat yourself by celebrating love with friends, family, or even solo. If you're in a relationship, engaged, or married, take this moment and analyze where you stand in your love story, and ask if you feel seen or heard. If you're ready to level up your love story with your partner, now is the time to set down your intentions together as a couple instead of becoming a statistic.
I love this holiday wholeheartedly and have faith in love for everyone to experience (and myself) no matter where you are in your love story. Astrologically, you can use this tool to find your way back by invoking self-love and keeping your faith in check. Remember that your natal Venus is your guiding light, and it helps you find self-love while figuring out what love story serves your highest good. Learning about your Venus sign will improve your love life while powering up your radiant self.
A Note For Your Love Horoscope
For this Valentine’s Day, Venus and Mars are backing you up as you are ready to take charge of your life by becoming a cosmic bad*ss who says yes to opportunity while saying no to what no longer serves you these next few days. Venus in Capricorn will give you that dash of authority and assertiveness to enable you to make sound choices.
Mars in Aquarius allows you to evolve your drive regarding matters of the heart by first questioning its direction instead of diving headfirst into matters. The great news is that this Valentine’s Day extends a moment to be more calculating and discerning regarding your energetic feelings in your relationship.
When you learn how to master your inner self by canceling out the superfluous expectations of others, that is when you will be able to be the master creator of your love story. What reflects inside will always result in your outward experiences.
With all this said, I sincerely hope you live your best life filled with infinite love and joy — single or taken. In honor of February 14, here is your zodiac sign’s love forecast for today. Be sure to read not only for your Sun sign — take a look at your Rising and Moon horoscopes, too. Simply put, the Sun holds precedence to your outlook, your Rising sign is your filtered reality at the moment with love, and your Moon sign represents your feelings about your love life. If you haven’t found out about your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign, enter your date, time, and location of birth into a birth chart calculator (visit my website or use TimePassages or
Valentines Day Love Horoscopes
Aries — Lead the Way
The love you store inside is filled with purity and intent. As the zodiac’s first sign, you want nothing more than speed and results. With Venus and Mars meeting together in harmony, your love life will be ignited by focusing on community and future aspirations (single or in a relationship). In a partnership, you're expected to take the lead, and if a special someone catches your eye, all it takes is to say “hello,” Cupid will be on your side. These next few weeks will fuel inspiration, and your connections with others will deepen as you take initiative — your specialty.
Taurus — You Are Ready to Evolve
As a sensual soul who appreciates the fine things in life, you'll upgrade your lifestyle to a new level this season. Love has been undergoing a pressure cooker phase for some time, and it’s now presenting a new opportunity for you to appreciate adaptability to things beyond your control in relationships. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity, will continue supporting your zodiac sign and Uranus, the game changer. As you make bold moves honing in on all that you've learned these last few years, this will give you a boost in confidence involving your passions (love or creative pursuits).
Gemini — Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
As the orator and communicator of the zodiac, you're in for a boost to your confidence these next few weeks with Mars in Aquarius and soon Venus joining a sexy conjunction. Traveling, taking a class, or locking eyes with a foreign cutie can add flavor for you this Valentine’s Day. Most importantly, this allows you to explore love beyond your original expectations and take chances. Step out of your comfort zone. Expanding the mind by integrating the metaphysical meaning behind love and connection will lead to a divine connection. As you grow beyond the conforms, your heart will open. Sooner than you believe, love will enter.
Cancer — Bring Your Love Back to Life
Silk sheets, wine, and chocolate are your love language. Expect to level your intimacy by winding down and becoming more attentive to your partnership. Listening to your partner will bring your love back to life, Cancer. Mars and Venus will help you look closer inside yourself and observe love and connection through energy. This will make your love story feel like it plays out in HD. These next few weeks will help you see yourself in a different light by evolving your views towards love. Start by loving yourself, meditating, and nurturing your spiritual practice to attract your desired results.
Leo — Don’t Settle
Turning up the heat and becoming the life of the party is your natural gift, Leo. Expect the tempo to speed up as Mars, Venus, and Pluto will be throwing curve balls in your direction involving partnerships — and this can result in a confrontation or a few. You are up for the challenge, requiring you to observe how you genuinely feel in your love story. Makeup intimacy will be lit, but it can lead to complicated matters down the road. Listen carefully to your partner and line up with setting boundaries that will suit both of you. Draw a line by negotiating instead of settling.
Virgo — Have a Date With Yourself
The act of service or being rational and methodical is how you extend your love language, Virgo. Love has undergone deep scrutiny in your life as Saturn has been in your romantic partnership sector for some time. It’s about to get interesting as Venus and Mars will be stirring you in a busy frenzy at work, leading to the need to blow off steam. That can lead to a spontaneous office romance or a quick hook-up with a random stranger. Indulge yourself by practicing self-care and quiet reflection to heal. Boost your self-esteem by having a date with yourself and celebrating you.
Libra — Somebody to Love
Symbolized as the sign of love and partnerships, you are on a mission to find your perfect half. This will require you to let go and allow love to shine purely through you. Your love life will get spicy as a special someone will slip into your DM’s or expect more experimentation in the bedroom. Pluto in Aquarius will also help you let go of past lovers or outmoded creations deflecting your radiance. You'll shine these next weeks, and trust in your light and truth to attract incredible opportunities with love.
Scorpio — You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting For
Beyond your aloof façade, Scorpio, you hold the keys to experience a beautiful love story that transcends time and space. These last few years have thrown challenges in love due to Uranus being posted in your relationship-partnership sector. The changes you desire begin with you. Venus and Mars will help you assess your emotional security at this point in your love story. Be brave and express your vulnerability. Rebuild your understanding regarding love, and it will cultivate meaningful connections. Believe.
Sagittarius — Say Something
As the adventurer and the one who desires experience, this Valentine’s Day will deliver that promise, Sagittarius. Pluto has been in your financial zone for a long time, and it’s finally entering a new phase, shifting your ideas and communication style. Things are about to get serious. Alongside Venus and Mars, you're in for a new awakening in your connection with others — even in love. State your wants and desires — it’s all in the dialogue.
Capricorn — The Cost of Love
Without question, Capricorns are hardcore with their work ethic. Hardworking and filled with motivation, they put all of their bearings to get what they want, including love. Jupiter has added a boost to your love zone since last year, however, there's a fine line between quality and indulgence. Dial down and review your intention — or your lover’s. Venus and Mars approaching your financial zone will power up your self-esteem and help get you motivated to start something new. Be mindful of overspending.
Aquarius — Focus On Your Mission
Feel the changes, Aquarius? Pluto, the planet of evolution, is stepping into your sign, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The harbinger of shifts, and you'll be the ringleader in this department. Too much? You have what it takes to see your vision come to life, even in love matters. Venus and Mars joining Pluto will ignite an awakening for you to witness and experience love in everything. Later this year, Jupiter in Gemini will lead to incredible romantic connections. Focus on your first love this Valentine’s Day — your mission.
Pisces — Find Your Dream Lover
Love is endearing and rose-colored to you. Pisces, you are a soul who desires to walk in a dream. Reality, at times, can be harsh for your gentle spirit, and this Valentine’s Day can strike a cord or two. It’s not to say that you cannot handle the truth, but Pluto will reign in your dream realms for the next 19 years, and it will ground you and make you realize what needs a clean sweep in your reality. Alongside Venus and Mars, the transformation planet will allow you to dive deep into your subconscious and deconstruct your beliefs regarding love. Begin manifesting your ideal love life, and hone in on your feelings instead of what looks good on paper.
Need clarity about your love life? Book a Discovery Call with Lumi today, and find out how you can make 2024 your year to find love!
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