Make a Patchwork Christmas Stocking
How to make a patchwork christmas stocking

Draw a stocking shape and segments onto 2 A4 sheets
Stick the 2 sheets together
Trace on stitch & tear
Cut out stitch & tear adding 1/4 inch seam allowance
Cut up the paper template into the 7 shapes
Reverse the shapes and trace onto wrong side of fabric adding 1/4 seam allowance
Right sides of shape and fabric should match
Repeat for all 7 shapes
7 shapes with seam allowance shown
Place fabric no 1 on stitch & tear
Turn over and check seam allowance is correct
Place fabric no 2 in place
Fold back and check seams are visible
Sew into position along draw line
Iron into place
Continue to work in numerical order and sew all the pieces in place
You can add extras if you want like ric rac ribbon , lace or buttons
Tear away the stitch & tear stabiliser
Cut out 1 back with 1/4 inch seam allowance
Cut out 2 batting with seam allowance
Cut out 2 lining with seam allowance
Layer as shown with right sides facing 1 batting, 2 lining,1 batting, front and back
Cut 6 inches of ribbon and insert between front and back
Sew around shape and trim
Turn back and front to right side out
Iron and trim to level neck opening if necessary
Bind neck opening with ribbon
Finished stocking