Manual is the iPhone app that will make it easy for you take a perfect shot every time.
This App Turns Your iPhone into a Pro Camera

You’re the photographer of your friend group, you’re racking in the Instagram followers, and you know just what angle will help you get the perfect selfie. But do you know how to take a perfect photo even in not-so-great lighting conditions? It’s okay if you don’t, because Manual is the iPhone app that will make it easy for you to take a perfect shot every time.
If you’re anything like us, you struggle with deciding between your DSLR and your phone’s camera. But now the choice will be easy: The answer will be your phone, every loving time. Manual takes the ISO, white balance, focus, shutter speed and exposure compensation of a DSLR and gives it to your iPhone.
Take photos in the dark, get that perfect sunset shot on the beach or just up your photography game. No matter what you want to do, you finally have the power to manage every aspect of your pic. And the app shows you how the photo will look as you adjust the dials on screen, so you can be sure that your group shot will turn out perfectly, no red-eye filter needed.
You can download the Manual app on the iTunes store for $1.99; there’s no word yet if it will be available for Android and Windows phones. Even so, the concept is a great one, giving people the ability to customize and adjust their photos for any light the sun shines their way.
Would you use this new app for photo taking? Or is the iPhone’s camera app good enough for what you need? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!