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This Week’s Stories

Looks like you might want to start bringing a jersey in that briefcase of yours.

How March Madness Can Boost Your Productivity at Work

How March Madness Can Boost Your Productivity at Work

Ah, it’s that time of year again: endless hours of basketball, the chance to win $1 billion (thanks,Warren Buffett), and emotional roller coasters that can only happen from watching sports. Yes, my friends. March Madness has arrived.

Now we know there are some of you out there who have your privacy screens at the ready and a daily schedule taped to your desk, hoping to catch every bit of basketball without your managers knowing. But a new OfficeTeam survey is telling you to stop sneaking around and get those games up on the break room TV. Apparently half of the managers polled feel that celebrating NCAA tournament activities boosts morale and helps increase productivity at work. Check out the infographic below for the full deets:

If you want to go ahead and forward this right on over to your boss now, we wouldn’t blame you ;)

Which team are you cheering for this season? Drop us a line in the comments!

This post was originally published on Levo League by Erica Murphy, photos via Office Team and Katie Wheeler/Flickr