“Made out with a hot dog? Oh my god, that was one time!”
Brush Up on Your Art History With Mean Girls

Just when you thought you’d seen every Mean Girls meme ever, someone goes and makes our favorite quotes downright historic. For over a year, some brilliant human being has been taking quotes from Mean Girls and putting them on historic paintings, making the art hilarious and the quotes even more LOL-worthy.
All through Art History 101, we should have just been studying with Mean Girls quotes! Who knew? They even feature some of the more overlooked bits of one-line humor.
There are even totally not factual captions like, “When Botticelli’s Venus was born, everyone was all, ‘OMG u r like really pretty.'” The account has over 100 posts, so we suggest you get to scrolling. And while you’re at it, why not revisit the early-2000s teen classic that kinda-sorta made “fetch” happen? In fact, we’ll join you.
What’s your favorite Mean Girls quote? Let us know in the comments!
(h/t HelloGiggles, photos via @meangirlsarthistory.)