It’s like no-makeup makeup for your hair.
“Meh Hair” Is the Latest Lazy Girl Hair Trend at NYFW

Last spring, no makeup makeup took the runways by storm. A light handed swipe of bronzer here, a dab of rosey gloss there, and in some cases, no makeup whatsoever — not even the base products that most girls consider everyday essentials. The same concept rang true for hair, which by and large appeared barely touched and minimally styled (think: air dried, parted down the center, tucked behind your ears), sparking a trend that T magazine called “Meh Head.”A season later, that wash-and-go look is still going strong, making it official: lazy girl hair is truly having a moment.
These hairstyles go way beyond the gently-tousled bedhead that shows up on red carpets. On the runways at Rachel Comey and Organic By John Patrick on New York Fashion Week’s inaugural day, it looked like zero effort has been made to tame cowlicks, smooth out frizz or even detangle unruly strands on what appears to be shiny, second-day hair. In other words, these girls manes look like ours when we #wokeuplikedis.
The look as it is executed on the runway has come under fire from beauty bloggers for being too exclusive (certain hair textures take to the style better than others, while it actually takes more time and money to achieve than it looks). But we, as women who roll out of bed with five minutes to spare — and don’t always spend those five minutes on hair — see the trend as a call that might help us even further embrace our tresses’ natural characteristics. Got naturally greasy hair? Go with it. Bangs won’t swoop like they do in your dreams. Whatever. Curls want to just live their lives kinky and frizzy? Do you, girl. After all, if you’re gonna do the look, you might as well have the ‘tude to match.
What’s your go-to lazy girl hair look? Tell us in the comments below.
(Phtotos via Albert Urso/JP Yim/Getty)