She also confirmed the sex of her baby!
Mindy Kaling Reveals How She Felt About Oprah Winfrey Announcing Her Pregnancy

People just can’t seem to keep any secrets when it comes to Mindy Kaling’s pregnancy. Oprah Winfrey confirmed the news before the mom-to-be could do so herself, and then Kaling’s costars spilled the beans about her baby’s sex. We were already excited about the possibility of a mini-Mindy, but we’re even more excited now that the actress herself has gone on the record about it.
Kaling opened up about her pregnancy during a chat on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this week. Asked if she knew the sex of the baby, or if she wanted to wait to find out, the soon-to-be first-time mom replied, “I am not waiting. I wanted to know WAY early. I’m having a girl. I’m so excited.” (So are we! It *is* going to be a mini-Mindy!)
She also addressed the fact that Winfrey accidentally spoiled her big secret. “I had told Oprah and Reese [Witherspoon] on a movie we’re working on, A Wrinkle in Time, and she announced it. She was very excited,” Kaling explained. “And at first it was like, okay, if anyone was going to announce big news about your private life, Oprah Winfrey is the person. You can’t complain that much about it. And you also can’t be like, ‘Hey, Oprah, zip it.’ Because she’s almost like a religious figure. So I actually thought, okay, if there’s one person I have to tell my daughter about that revealed her existence to the world, Oprah is pretty good.”
As far as the actual pregnancy, the Mindy Project star said that she’s had “a pretty great time of it so far,” but that she feels like she took a lot for granted during the first few months of her pregnancy. Now that she’s “really pregnant,” she’s all about sitting. “I’m obsessed with sitting. Like, even when I was standing back there, I was looking at this chair and I was like, ‘Aw, can’t wait to sit in that chair. That beautiful, comfy chair.'”
She admitted, though, that while she loves a good sit, getting up can be challenging. “I’m counting on you to hoist me out of the chair,” she joked.
Watch the full interview below for another funny story about Winfrey!
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(Photos via Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images for Hulu + Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney)