Of all the iconic food pairings, marshmallows and Rice Krispies (and LOTS of butter) bring back a ton of warm-fuzzy childhood memories that are as gooey as the treat themselves.
OH SNAP! Rice Krispies Instagram Art Is CEREAL-sly Cool

Mac + cheese. PB+J. Milk + cookies. Of all the iconic food pairings, marshmallows and Rice Krispies (and LOTS of butter) bring back the warmest and fuzziest childhood memories that are as gooey as the treat itself. We love ’em so much that we found remix after remix, threw ’em in pancakes, spiked ’em for cocktails, enjoyed them at Easteregg hunts and Halloween bashes. But we’ve double tapped our way to an Instagram that takes this versatile cereal and molds it into edible pop culture art — and it’s EVERYTHING. Meet mister_krisp, an Insta-turned-e-commerce business started by fashionista-turned-maker Jessica Siskin. We had a chance to pick her brain about how mister krisp came to life. Pour yourself a bowl of Siskin’s sweet stuff below.
After graduating from NYU, Siskin worked in fashion for seven years, managing department store sales at Elizabeth and James. This self-proclaimed adventurous foodie has always made time to be creative through crafting and cooking, with projects often referencing pop culture. (Our kind of gal!) “There’s nothing I won’t eat — the weirder the food the more I like it.”
This is weird food in the best (and likely, most delicious) way possible.
While she’s not a professional chef, she enjoys the process of making food into arts and crafts. (She did share with us that her sister went to pastry school, so an appreciation for culinary arts runs in the fam!)
In addition to building these amazing Rice Krispies creations, Siskin is also pursing her MFA in creative fiction. “I’ve noticed that my writing and my work on mister_krisp inform one another in terms of thinking outside the box and harnessing the power of the unexpected.” While we love that giant s’more, we’re loving the POP culture parodies and sartorial versions of her creations, too.
Jessica generally sticks with the traditional “side-of-the-box” recipe, but depending on the project, she modifies measurements to achieve different textures. On average, her poppin’ creations contain at least one box of Rice Krispies.
According to Siskin, the most difficult designs are the 3-dimensional krisps. “I once made a krispie bottle of Jack Daniels by building an internal structure out of pretzel rods, but I’m not sure I’d want to use that method again!”
And her fave project yet? “It’s hard to pick an all-time favorite, but when a customer asked for a Mean Girls–themed krisp, I suggested a ‘Burn Book’ design and I really loved how it came out.” Um, us too. We’re just soaking up its awesomeness. So fetch, Jess.
CANDY CANE GRAMS! None for Gretchen Weiners. (YOU GO, GLEN COCO!)
As for her advice to fellow makers: try not to CRACKLE under pressure. “Don’t rush! Sometimes I’m so excited to get to the next step that I have to remind myself to focus and enjoy what I’m currently doing. I enjoy the process of making something just as much as I enjoy the finished product.”
Another good morsel of advice to borrow from Jessica is to use social media to grow your brand and find fellow makers. “Mister krisp was born on Instagram, and I consider my feed to be my catalog. Through social media I’ve been able to connect with other women who are doing similar things with pastry and desserts, so even though I’m working alone on my small business I feel like I’m part of a community.”
For now, you can order a custom mister_krisp creation via email, but keep an eye out for Jessica’s current labor of love, misterkrisp.com, which is slated to launch later this year. “I’m just getting started and taking each day as it comes. I love being in the customization business because every day presents new challenges and the opportunity to outdo myself.”
Which of these mister krisp creations are you ready to gobble up? Check out more amazing cereal creations on Instagram at @mister_krisp!