We even love your blank texts, Mom.
When Moms Don’t Understand Text Lingo

Have you ever received a text from your mom that’s nothing but gibberish? Have you ever texted your mom only to get a response three days later? Are you a victim of bad mom texts? Well, we’re here to tell you that you’re not alone. Moms are great in many ways, but they are notorious for text fails. Which is why for Mother’s Day, we teamed up with Studio Ink to show you how to talk to your mom in a way she fully understands.
Let’s put down our phones and wish our mom a Happy Mother’s Day with a thoughtful gift and card. Check out Studio Ink’s awesome Mother’s Day card collection and pick out the perfect one for Mom. Unlike a text, your mom will probably be able to read a handwritten note without any misunderstandings.
Pro Tip: When writing your Mother’s Day card, avoid common texting lingo like LOL, IDK, or YOLO to ensure full mother comprehension.
We even love your blank texts, Moms.