This Pretty Paper Flower Bouquet Is the Lasting Mother’s Day Gift You’ve Been Looking for
Growing up, your mother loved the handmade noodle necklaces and refrigerator art you gave her. So with Mother’s Day approaching on May 13, we thought it’d be fitting to honor her with the same made-with-love gifts, but with more of an adulting take. This easy DIYprintable paper flower bouquet is just the thing to both delight and impress her while bringing back to those oh-so-sweet childhood memories. Scroll below to see how you can make this project that’ll last her for all the years to come.
Download our paper flower bouquet for your mama!
To get your blooms ready to go, print out three copies of the flower printable.
Use scissors to cut each flower and its leaves. Repeat for all three sheets.
For the leaves, make a small cut to attach them to the stems. Use glue to hold.
Position all of your florals together into a pretty posy. (Note: If you’d like them to group together, place a dot of glue where they join.) Then, set them out in a vase or Mason jar for your mama to admire on her special day.
We want to see how your flowers turned out! Share the finished product with us on Instagram using the hashtag #iamcreative. Then, be sure be sure to check out more DIY ideas here.
(Illustration: Rebecca Fong; Photo Styling: Cassidy Miller; Photography: Brittany Griffin)